BAKU: UEFA Official: Azerbaijan – Armenia Matches May Be Cancelled


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
June 19 2007

UEFA Executive Committee will make a decision on the venue of Euro
qualifying matches between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Herenven,
Netherlands, UEFA spokesman William Gaillard told APA-Sport.

Gaillard stated that the meeting will be held in a few days.

"The issue is on the agenda of Executive Committee. The committee
members will discuss Azerbaijan – Armenia matches at the meeting. The
final decision will probably passed there", he said.

Gaillard noted that it is possible that the committee will cancel
the matches.

"UEFA Regulations doesn’t forbid canceling matches. But, first of all,
the parties are to give consent with the issue. Executive Committee
may pass any decision in the meeting", he said.

UEFA Executive Committee meeting is expected to be held during European
U-21 championship final stage in Netherlands. The championship will
finish on June 23. AFFA expects final decision to be passed on the
same date.

The matches between Azerbaijan and Armenia have been scheduled for
8 and 12 September.