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Karabakh To Resist This Trial As Well

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily – Armenia
19 June 07

Below we introduce the observations of the leader of National
Democratic Party Shavarsh Kocharyan regarding NKR presidential

" To what extent will the results of NKR presidential elections be
decisive to bring the negotiation process back to the real format
of Minsk group. Is it conditioned by the personality of the future
president or it is linked to more global issues?"

"I believe there is no political figure in Karabakh that questions
Nagono Karabakh’s full participation in the negotiation process. In
this regard I don’t think it is connected with the personality of the
president, whether Karabakh will be fully involved in the negotiation
process or not.

It is another thing that after all the issue must be regulated due to
a political resolution. But this doesn’t mean that there aren’t any
factors that don’t affect that political resolution this or that way.

While the thing is absolutely not about Azerbaijani oil. The fact
that Azerbaijan’s budget increases daily and that they allocate
serious amount of money to their army shouldn’t be both overlooked
and overestimated."

"In this respect how do you estimate the existing situation around
NKR presidential elections?"

"Elections are part of the general process. The fact that during
the recent 7-8 years Karabakh has recorded serious progress in the
sphere of democracy is evident to everyone including international
observers. It is enough to recall the fact that in Stepanakert the
major is elected and not appointed, as it is usually done in Baku
and even Yerevan. Moreover both in Stepanakert and other dwelling
places opposition recorded serious success during the elections of
Local Self-Government Bodies.

That is to say as regards the accomplishment of democratic institutions
Karabakh is ahead of not only Azerbaijan that is not very difficult
but also Armenia: in certain issues.

The second important step is the adoption of NKR Constitution, that
is, in essence the most democratic one in the territory of CIS,
and has nothing in common with the Constitution of Azerbaijan. Big
difference! In case when neither Council of Europe, nor Venice
Committee or European Union impose their rules on Karabakh.

Another important circumstance is the accomplishment of electoral
institute. Elections are regularly held in Nagorno Karabakh; even
during war. And no matter the election returns are recognized by the
international community or not, Karabakh is in fact an accomplished
state, where the army is under civil control. While Chechnya, that
used to be a de facto independent state didn’t manage to preserve
its independence, as it turned to a country of field commanders.

Another important circumstance that we usually overlook is that, though
according to the constitution NKR President could have been nominated
3rd and 4th times, Arkady Ghukasyan didn’t take that step. Moreover he
gave a simple and moral explanation saying, "I must live in harmony
with my conscience." In my view it is a precedent for the whole
CIS territory.

I strongly believe, sooner or later, the whole international community
will appreciate it, as for example Chernogoria and Kosovo, from
which the first is already independent and the second is towards
independence. Because there is no precedent in the world, when
the international community has forced any democratic unit to obey

"In this context how do you evaluate the fact that some political
figures in our country try to shift the non-legitimate "syndrome"
to NKR presidential elections that hasn’t yet started, announcing
that there will be no elections in Karabakh."

"These discussions involuntarily prove that normal political process
is on in Karabakh and that there is an opportunity to elect. Otherwise
everything should have been already predicted and they wouldn’t touch
that topic. There are different candidates everyone has his supporters
that try to campaign for his preferred candidate.

As for the anticipations of the political powers to be united and to
support one of the candidates; I consider it logical for any country
especially Karabakh.

These elections can be considered an internal trial for
Karabakh. Having different candidates, the external threat forced the
political powers to appear with one real candidate. People didn’t
even try to risk the political stability that is indispensable for
the unrecognized country that is in de facto war. Today they have
this chance and it is positive in itself.

No matter what the election returns will be like, Karabakh must be
united around at least one issue. Today Karabakh is in the stage where
it can have its role in the regulation process of Karabakh issue. I
believe Karabakh will resist this trial.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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