Primate ordains newest priest in Watertown

Department of Communications
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
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Contact: Jake Goshert, Media Relations Specialist
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 160; Fax: (212) 779-3558
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In an instant, Jason Demerjian was gone. Standing before the congregation
was the same young man they had come to know, but he was no longer Jason.
Instead, he was now Fr. Hovnan, the latest priest to join the Armenian

Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
of America (Eastern), ordained Fr. Demerjian into the priesthood on Sunday,
June 17, 2007, at the St. James Church of Watertown, Massachusetts.

"We have come together on this special day to witness a divine mystery: the
transformation of a young man into a different type of man," the Primate
said in his sermon. "The change itself is invisible to the eye. Standing
before us, we still see the same young man we have come to know. But the
effect on his soul is real, profound, and lasting. Although we cannot fully
comprehend what has happened, we know that today the Holy Spirit has entered
into Jason Demerjian and he became something new: a father for the flock of
Jesus Christ."


The ordination, which took place over two days Saturday and Sunday June16
and 17, is just the latest step in Fr. Demerjian’s journey to answer God’s
call to serve the Armenian Church community.

"I’ve been preparing for a long time," he said. "So it’s a big day, full of
God’s grace with big changes."

He was ordained deacon by Archbishop Barsamian, at St. Vartan Cathedral in
February 2007. A recent graduate of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary in New
Rochelle, NY, Fr. Demerjian served for two years as the Diocese’s college
ministry facilitator. Along with his degree from St. Nersess, Demerjian
earned a master’s degree from the Harvard Divinity School.

Throughout all his studies and work for the Church, he’s been trying to hear
and answer God’s call. Entering the priesthood is, of course, a major
decision, but one he feels is right for him.

"You can be reasonably sure about the priesthood in the same way, perhaps,
that you can be sure about a decision like marriage," he said. "You can’t
know 100 percent that it is right, you can’t really know until you do it.
Yet you have a good idea that it is the right thing, that your life is
leading up to it."

Before joining the Diocese, Fr. Demerjian lived in Armenia as a U.S. Peace
Corps volunteer. Afterwards, he started and administered the Armenia
Volunteer Corps. It was while in Armenia that he met his wife, Anna, who now
works for the Children of Armenian Fund.

While contemplating his priestly ordination, he considered other ways to
help serve the Armenian community, ultimately deciding upon ordination.

"God’s hand is on your life in different ways and this feels right," he
added. "Certainly there’s struggling with it or against it. But that
doesn’t take away from the fact that it is the right thing and, in fact,
maybe that contemplation was an essential part in making it the right

Fr. Daniel Findikyan, dean of the St. Nersess Seminary, served as the
sponsoring priest of the ordination. Dr. Tom Samuelian was the godfather of
the ceremony.


Following his traditional 40 days of solitude, he will celebrate his first
Divine Liturgy on July 22, 2007, at the St. Gregory the Enlightener Church
of White Plains, New York,

Fr. Demerjian will eventually begin serving as pastor to the St. Hagop
Church in St. Petersburg, Florida. He and Yn. Anna will begin there
September 1. As a pastor, he looks forward to preaching and teaching.

"I like preaching and talking and presenting and educating, helping people
rediscover the depth and beauty of their church," he said. "I think it’s
important a priest be a reflection of the light of Christ, a good Christian
and example of someone who follows Christ."

Along with a dedicated priest, the St. Hagop community will gain a Yeretzgin
who is devoted to the life of the Church as well.

"She’s ready as much as you can be ready," Fr. Demerjian said of Yn. Anna.
"It’s a commitment and a calling for the Yeretzgin as well. It’s a happy
occasion for her because she would be involved in the Church no matter what,
now she has even more opportunity to do that. But it is also a serious
responsibility that she welcomes."

Fr. Demerjian was ordained on Father’s Day. In the congregation were his
parents Kenneth and Karen, who made sure he attended Church regularly as he
was growing up.

"It is truly an act of love that has brought Fr. Hovnan to today’s
ceremony," the Primate said in his remarks. "He heard God’s calling, felt
His never ending love, and chose to welcome the Holy Spirit into his heart.
I know it was not a decision he made lightly, nor one he made alone.
Indeed, it was with the support of his parents, and the encouragement of his
wife, Anna — herself a dedicated daughter of the Church."

"A great responsibility has been laid upon Fr. Hovnan’s shoulders," the
Primate added. "Of course, the priest does not carry this weight alone. He
shares the burdens and joys of the pastoral calling with his fellow priests,
with his Yeretzgin, and with his parishioners. I have faith that Fr. Hovnan
will be an excellent father to his flock, because he has a genuine
dedication to God."


Following the ordination, Fr. Hovnan was celebrated at a banquet in the St.
James Church hall. Fr. Karekin Kasparian, pastor of the St. Gregory the
Enlightener Church of White Plains, New York, served as the emcee. The
pastor priest, Fr. Arakel Aljalian, offered the invocation. Also speaking
were the sponsoring priest, Fr. Daniel Findikyan, and godfather, Dr. Tom
Samuelian, along with Fr. Hovnan’s father, Kenneth.

Attendees also saw a video produced for the occasion in which Fr. Hovnan
spoke about his faith journey. While addressing the gathered well wishers,
Fr. Hovnan thanked his family and those who guided him along his spiritual

In his remarks at the banquet, the Primate noted the presence of Fr.
Hovnan’s parents and the importance of their strong faith.

"As the Diocesan theme ‘Church and Home: One in Spirit’ implies, we must
build a solid foundation for our faith in the next generation," the Primate
said. "The way to do that is to assure that our parents serve as Christian
role models, and the Demerjians surely have. We celebrate their success in
raising a Christian family today as we welcome our newest priest: Fr.

— 6/19/07

E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable in the News and
Events section of the Eastern Diocese’s website,

PHOTO CAPTION (1): Dn. Jason Demerjian kneels before the congregation at
the St. James Church of Watertown, Massachusetts, during his ordination to
the priesthood on Sunday, June 17, 2007.

PHOTO CAPTION (2): Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of
the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), anoints Fr. Hovnan Demerjian with
Holy Muron during his priestly ordination on Sunday, June 17, 2007.

PHOTO CAPTION (3): Fr. Hovnan Demerjian and Archbishop Khajag Barsamian,
Primate, on the altar during the Divine Liturgy at which Fr. Hovnan was
ordained to the priesthood.

PHOTO CAPTION (4): The Primate addresses the faithful during the ordination
of Fr. Hovnan Demerjian on Sunday, June 17, 2007, at the St. James Church of
Watertown, Massachusetts.

PHOTO CAPTION (5): Archbishop Barsamian with Fr. Hovnan and Yn. Anna
Demerjian at the banquet following Fr. Hovnan’s ordination to the priesthood
on Sunday, June 17, 2007.