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Who Will The People Prefer?

Kima Yeghiazaryan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily – Armenia
19 June 07

"Papa" or a "Glamorous" President

Head of "Sociometer" independent sociological center Aharon Adibekyan
introduced the short report of the social-political expectations of
the people from NKR presidential elections and the ratings of the
candidates for presidency, in "Urbat" club yesterday.

The survey has been conducted in June 10 among 1000 adults in 6
provincial centers and 11 big dwelling places in Karabakh, from which
300 refused to participate in the survey.

Thus the electorate that follows the pre-election developments in
Nagorno Karabakh can be divided in 4 groups. 37% of the polled have
mentioned that they are interested in the forthcoming elections and
they follow the pre-election processes, 16% follow the most important
candidates, 17% do not particularly follow the election processes,
30% refused to answer the question.

"These data are very close to the ones we recorded during the starting
stage of the Parliamentary elections in Armenia. It is normal that
only 53% is interested in the forthcoming elections. The task of the
pre-election campaign is to liven up the 17%, because the 30% that
refused to answer the questions usually keep away from politics,"
A. Adibekyan said.

As a result of the survey it came clear that 2/3rd of the polled
estimate positively the work of the acting President Arkady
Ghukasyan. Consequently the support of the acting president to any
of the five candidates will be of great significance.

The rating of the candidates depends on the fact – who do the voters
believe will be able to settle social-political issues. Because
these are the issues for them at present, giving great importance to
opening working places, development of economy, increase of salaries
and pension, apartment building, etc.

To the question who can be an "ideal president" that will be able
to settle all these issues the polled have enumerated more than 30
qualities. 38,5% thinks the newly elected president must be kind and
caring and take care of the people. 17% believes the president must
be polite, educated, and clever. 12.3% want to have an experienced,
skillful leader, etc.

The interesting thing is the polled didn’t give significance to
the president’s contribution in Karabakh movement, only 3,5% of the
polled give importance to this factor. The rating of the candidates
for presidency have been measured by 4 components: who is able to
settle the before mentioned problems, whom would they like to see
a president, who wouldn’t they like to see a president and who will
be the president. 60% of the polled expressed confidence that Bako
Sahakyan will be the future president and 45% mentioned that they
would like to see him as the future president of Nagorno Karabakh.

Only 5-6% mentioned that they would like to see Mayis Mayilyan in the
position of the President. The rating percentages of other candidates
are less.

"Thus we can predict with full confidence that the main campaign
will be between Mayis Mayilyan and Bako Sahakyan though they possess
different political weights. I can definitely say that Bako Sahakyan
will win the elections and only Mayis Mayilyan can compete with
him. The chances of other candidates are very small,’ director of
"Sociometer" center underscored.

Those who state that M. Mayilyan’s rating is high are in delusion,
according to the sociologist, as, the results of the survey showed
that he recorded high rating is only in Stepanakert and in many
regions and villages they don’t even know who is ex-deputy Foreign
Minister M. Mayilyan.

Though the characteristics "polite, educated" are ascribed to M.

Mayilyan, anyway, "simple people prefer to see a kind, caring
personality, who can take good care of the people, those who are
"well-off, satisfied" they need a "shining" glamorous president,
those who are simple they want to have a "papa" president," clarified
A. Adibekyan introducing the desires of the supporters of the two
principle candidates.

To the question," Does the population of Karabakh make choice between
glamorous and "papa" president," the sociologist answered.

"Yes, of course it is almost true!"

Nalchajian Markos:
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