BAKU: Azerbaijani President: The war not over yet

Azerbaijani President: The war not over yet

22.06.2007 15:30

Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev attended graduation ceremny at
Heydar Aliyev Military School
Ceremony dedicated to graduation of students of Military School named
after Heydar Aliyev was held on June 22. Azerbaijani President, Supreme
Commander-in-chief Ilham Aliyev participated in the event. Following
this, the heads of state bodies, representatives of diplomatic corpse
accredited to Azerbaijan attended the event. Defense Minister, General
Colonel Safar Abiyev opening the ceremony stated that the process of
conformation of Azerbaijani Armed Forces to world and NATO standards
`Social condition of servicemen focuses the state. Armed Forces are
always ready to carry out Supreme Commander-in-chief’s orders,’ he said.
Azerbaijani President addressing the ceremony stated that Azerbaijani
Army is able to do everything.
`If the military budget of Azerbaijan was $135 million in 2003, this
figure raised to $1 billion in 2007. The war has not yet ended. Though,
ceasefire is announced, it is impossible to say that the war is over,
the President underlined.
Ilham Aliyev stating that the social condition of servicemen is being
improved, their salaries are being increased, military supplies have
been brought for them.
`Defense Industry Ministry has been established in Azerbaijan. This
Ministry will start production of military supplies till the end of the
year,’ he said.
The President mentioning that state budget of Azerbaijan comprised $1.5
billion underlined that this figure increased to $7.5 billion at
`I said two years ago that military expenses of Azerbaijan will be
equal to Armenia’s state budget, and it happened. The expenses of
Azerbaijan and Armenia were equal five years ago, it is increased by 7
times. Armenian Armed Forces are lacking in contact line. The
negotiations are going on for 13 years, it can not be continued 13
years once more. The whole world sees unconstructive position of
Armenia,’ the President said.
Ilham Aliyev stressed that he will do his best for strengthening the
Army as Azerbaijani President and Supreme Commander-in-chief.
`We will liberate our regions. I state again that territorial integrity
of Azerbaijan can not be violated, Daqliq Qarabaq will not gain
independence,’ he underscored.
After the speech of President, apartment orders were presented to
several servicemen and diplomas to graduates.