Neo-cons Spinning Hearts and Minds

Neo-cons Spinning Hearts and Minds

Published on Sunday, June 24, 2007 by Inter Press Service
by Khody Akhavi

WASHINGTON – As the George W. Bush administration struggles through its
last two years in office, it appears that the agenda of neoconservative
ideologues has finally lost its appeal among strategic parts of the
U.S. foreign policy apparatus.

But as their influence has waned at the Pentagon and State Department,
neo-conservative hawks have taken charge on the battlefield of public
diplomacy.Intent on fixing what American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
fellow Joshua Muravchik termed Bush’s `public diplomacy mess,’
right-wing hawks have gained control of the weapons in the `war of
ideas’ ‘ U.S. government-funded and supported media outlets such as
Voice of America (VOA), Al-Hurra, and Radio Farda, which broadcast to
the Middle East and aim to offer an alternative view of the news.

The recent appointment of Jeffrey Gedmin, a veteran neo-conservative
polemicist, as the director of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty (RFE),
and a smear campaign that led to the recent resignation of Larry
Register, Al-Hurra’s former news director, appears to herald a turn
towards more ideologically rigid programming.

As a result, viewers and listeners of U.S.-supported media in the
Middle East are being exposed to a tougher ideological line that
endorses the hallmarks of the neoconservative agenda ‘ regime change
and interventionist policies in the region.

`No group other than neocons is likely to figure out how to do that,’
wrote Muravchik, in a December 2006 article in Foreign Policy magazine
entitled `Operation Comeback’, a reference to the declining influence
of neo-conservatives in the Bush administration. `We are, after all, a
movement whose raison d’etre was combating anti-Americanism in the
United States. Who better then to combat it abroad?’

In a widely-circulated email memo sent to White House advisor Karl Rove
in July 2006 and obtained by IPS, the former Republican Speaker of the
House Newt Gingrich also criticised the State Department’s inability to
manage the information campaign advocating U.S. foreign policy
interests in the region.

He called on Karen Hughes, undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and
Public Affairs at the State Department, to `run the information
operation aimed at delegitimising Syria, Iran and Hezbollah every day.’

Earlier this year, a report authored by Ladan Archin, head of the
Pentagon’s Iran directorate who, in the run-up to the Iraq War, worked
in the agency’s controversial Office of Special Plans, charged that
both VOA’s Persian TV service and Radio Farda, a Persian-language radio
station that broadcasts from Prague and Washington, were too soft in
the their criticism of Iran’s regime.

Archin’s report, which was obtained by the McClatchy Newspapers
Washington bureau, complained that, while VOA’s Persian TV service
`often invites guests who defend the Islamic Republic’s version of
issues, it consistently fails to maintain a balance by inviting
informed guests who represent another perspective on the same issue.’

With the neo-conservative drums beating inside the Washington Beltway,
the reshuffling of key positions at REF and Al-Hurra came as no

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced in February a major
initiative to promote democracy in Iran, including 50 million dollars
to increase Persian-language television broadcasts.

Congress also appropriated 21.4 million dollars to expand VOA’s Persian
television programming to 12 hours a day, and 14.7 million dollars more
for Radio Farda (which means `Tomorrow’ in Farsi).

In early 2007, the Broadcasting Board of Governor’s chairman, Kenneth
Tomlinson, named Gedmin, a former AEI fellow and a founding member,
along with Vice President Dick Cheney and former Pentagon chief Donald
Rumsfeld, of the Project for a New American Century, as RFE’s director.
Gedmin’s new job gave him control over Radio Farda and Voice of
America. Some listeners have since noted changes in the tone and
content of their programming.

A Jun. 14 VOA broadcast in Persian, for example, featured an original
interview with AEI fellow and leading neo-conservative Richard Perle on
the future of democracy in Iran, as well as a roundtable discussion
with Shahryar Ahi, chief organiser of a conference of Iranian
opposition groups in Paris. Ahi, an informal liaison during the 1970’s
between the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, and the White House,
currently works with the Shah’s 45-year-old, Washington-based son, Reza

Radio Farda has featured three exclusive and well-publicised interviews
with Perle, Michael Rubin, yet another AEI fellow, and Pahlavi,
according to Hossein Derkhshan, an Iranian blogger whose weblog,, is widely read.

As the Bush administration ramps up its offensive against Iran’s regime
through VOA and Radio Farda, neo-conservatives have also taken aim at
Al-Hurra, a U.S.-sponsored Arabic-language satellite television station
that broadcasts to 22 countries across the Middle East on an annual
budget of more than 70 million dollars.

In early June, Register resigned from Al-Hurra after less than six
months on the job, in the wake of a series of public attacks against
him and the station’s allegedly anti-U.S. content by neo-conservative
columnist Joel Mowbray in the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal.

Mowbrey complained that Register was directly responsible for most
Al-Hurra broadcasts that, among other things, carried Hezbollah leader
Hassan Nasrallah’s December 2006 speech in its entirety, reported
uncritically on last year’s Holocaust conference in Iran, and referred
to the establishment of Israel in 1948 as `al Naqba,’ which means
`catastrophe’ in Arabic.

`Our taxpayer-financed Arabic network was set up to counter Al-Jazeera,
not echo it,’ he wrote.

Since its launch in 2004, Al-Hurra had served as the centrepiece of
Washington’s `aggressive post-9/11 courtship of the Arab world’ and was
`fulfilling its mission’ until it hired Register, according to another
Mowbray column.

Yet Register’s predecessor, Moufac Harb, resigned a month after a
scathing report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
found that Al-Hurra lacked `a comprehensive, long-term strategic plan’
and criticised its reported audience statistics.

Register, a veteran producer and vice president who worked at CNN for
20 years, was supposed to boost the profile of the station, win
audience share and generate political debate. But his attempts to
appeal to an Arab audience ostensibly went against the goals of the
neo-conservative establishment in Washington.

`The conservative crusade against Register demonstrates one of the
great difficulties facing any official American broadcasting in the
Middle East,’ wrote Marc Lynch, a professor at George Washington
University whose blog, www.abuaardvark, on Arab media and politics is
widely read in Washington, in Britain’s Guardian newspaper.

`To be a free and credible media outlet means allowing critics of
American policy to speak and covering news that might make America look
bad,’ he noted. *****