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Armenian Prime Minister Presents Government Activity Programme


2007-06-26 10:49:00

The settlement of the accumulated social -economic problems will be
in the focus of attention of the Armenian Government for the coming
five years, Prime Minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said presenting
the Government activity programme in the Armenian National Assembly,

He said that after May 12 parliamentary election in the country
a political coalition was formed through consultations with the
major parliamentary political forces. The coalition, in its turn,
formed the Government, which pledged to wage a unique policy. "The
executive power has faced a heavy task. We started building a new life
overcoming the economic crisis, aggravated social conflicts, party
and ideological disagreements. As a result, the life of the country’s
citizen is gradually changing to better," the prime minister said. He
also added that he sees Armenia’s safe future and an opportunity for
every citizen to show his abilities. He believes the spiritual unity
of the people, mutual respect and atmosphere of trust prior to boost
the country’s development. In this connection, the premier cited the
famous Armenian philosopher of Middle Age Nerses Shnorhali who thought
"unity, freedom and love for everyone" the most important.

Karagyozian Lena:
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