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Armenian Premier, Greek President Discuss Expanding Cooperation


27 Jun 07

Yerevan, 27 June: Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan today met
Greek President Karolos Papoulias, who is in Armenia on an official

The press service of the Armenian government has reported that during
the meeting Sargsyan noted that the Armenian government is ready within
its powers to make every effort to implement the agreements reached
between the Armenian and Greek presidents, in the interest of both
countries and the friendly Armenian and Greek nations. Sargsyan said
he was pleased with the assistance of Greece to Armenia in different
fields, stressing cooperation in the field of defence.

He said that during many years of work in the field of security and
due to his frequent contacts with the Greek administration because
of his position, he had always felt warm and friendly attitude of
his Greek colleagues and their readiness to cooperate.

The Armenian prime minister stressed the importance of widening
Armenian-Greek cooperation and its further development. Particularly
in the current period, when Armenia is implementing an Individual
Partnership Action Plan with NATO, the experience and support of
Greece may be very helpful.

Sargsyan agreed with Papoulias that in the difficult region of the
South Caucasus, the country does not have many friends and neighbouring
countries whose interests coincide with the interests of Armenia. This
is why, in the name of the security of friendly nations and in order
to ensure progress, it is necessary to join efforts in the realization
of programmes aimed at solving vital problems and development projects.

Karolos Papoulias mentioned with regret that if Turkey, a difficult
neighbour that constantly creates problems, finally changed and
followed European values, then Greece and Armenia would not have had
to spend large sums on ensuring defence and security at the expense
of social programmes.

The Greek president noted with contentment not only the high level
of Armenian-Greek political relations but also mutually beneficial
cooperation of Armenia and Greece in the international arena.

At the meeting, the officials also discussed prospects for the
development of bilateral economic cooperation. The importance
of the active work of the Armenian-Greek intergovernmental
commission was stressed. Agriculture, trade and tourism, defence and
culture were mentioned as promising fields for the development of
cooperation. Sargsyan said that these fields are noted also in the
programme of the Armenian government for the next five years.

Madatian Greg:
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