BAKU: Azerbaijani Political Experts Rule Out Opening Of Turkish-Arme


Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
June 27 2007

Azerbaijan, Baku / corr Trend I.Alizade / Vafa Guluzade, former
Azerbaijani adviser on foreign policy and political expert, said that
Ankara is to make the decision on the opening of the Turkish-Armenian
border and Oskanian [Armenian Foreign Minister] is unaware of the issue
he is speaking of. He was commenting on a statement by the Armenian
Foreign Minister on the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border.

Guluzade noted that Turkey may open its border with the neighbouring
country as a result of pressure from the US Government and the Armenian
lobby of the United States. "However, in exchange Turkey could achieve
something. Turkey will not open its border," he added.

The issue on the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border does not
depend on political forces which will come to state power. This is
Ankara’s state policy.

" Armenia still accuses Turkey of the alleged ‘Armenian genocide’
and is still occupying Azerbaijani territory. Therefore, the border
will not be opened," he stressed.

The borders will be kept closed until Armenia is Russia’s ally. The
Turkish-Armenian border is closed due to Russia’s policy.

" Russia is decisively against the opening of borders, because Turkey
is a NATO member-country and once the borders are open Armenia,
an outpost of Russia, will establish economic bonds with this country.

As a result Armenia will slowly move away from Russia and come close
to NATO. So, Moscow will not allow the opening of the border."

Guluzade stressed.

Rasim Muzabayev, a political scientist, said that no political force
in Turkey is willing to establish relations with Armenia despite
Armenia’s dreams. Oskanian’s hope in this issue is groundless.

He explained the non-opening of the borders with Armenia’s groundless
claims on Turkey.

"However, Azerbaijan occupies an important place in Turkey’s policy.

Armenia’s groundless claims on Turkey and the occupation of the
Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia greatly affect the issue," he noted.

If Armenian back down from their claims on Turkey a proposal on
opening of borders will be included in the agenda and Ankara will
certainly hold consultations with Azerbaijan on this issue.

Meanwhile, the Armenian Foreign Minister, Vardan Oskanian, stated
after meeting with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul that Turkey
should open its border with Armenia. Talking to journalists Oskanian
noted the importance of commencing economic cooperation. He voiced his
hopes that after the 22 July parliamentary elections in Turkey the new
Government will consider the issue of the opening of the state border.

Turkey closed its state border with Armenia in 1993 to protest the
occupation of 20% of Azerbaijan’s territory by Armenians. Ankara
and Yerevan are in disagreement on the alleged ‘Armenian genocide’,
which Armenia says occurred in 1915.

Ankara stated that it will not open its borders with Armenia until
the latter withdraws its troops from the occupied territory of
Azerbaijan. Turkey proposed establishing a joint commission to set
up research into the events of 1915.