Mission of the Church and Parish Development themes are highlighted

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian

June 27, 2007

Eastern Prelacy’s National Representative Assembly
Convenes in Dearborn, Michigan

Mission of the Church and Parish Development themes are highlighted

By Iris Papazian

NEW YORK, NY-The 2007 National Representative Assembly (NRA) of the Eastern
Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America convened in Dearborn,
Michigan, May 17 to 19, under the presidency of His Eminence Archbishop
Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate. The host parish, St. Sarkis Church, extended a
warm and caring welcome to delegates and guests.
Artin Dermenjian from All Saints Church, Glenview, Illinois, and Alan
Goshgarian, from St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, were
elected co-chairmen. Elected to serve as Armenian and English secretaries,
respectively, were Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of St. Sarkis Church,
Douglaston, New York; and Janet Haroian, of St. Gregory Church, Granite
City, Illinois.
The keynote addresses were given by the Prelate, Archbishop Oshagan
Choloyan, and Jack Mardoian, Esq., chairman of the Executive Council. Both
touched upon aspects of the upcoming dual anniversaries in 2008: the 110th
anniversary of the establishment of the Armenian Church in America and the
50th anniversary of the Prelacy’s affiliation with the Great House of
Cilicia. The major theme for both messages was the mission of the Church.
A message from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of
Cilicia, via the Internet, was heard by the delegates. In his message the
Catholicos spoke about the mission of the Prelacy; our youth and the future;
and the imperative of taking Christ to our people. His Holiness
congratulated the Prelate on the 40th anniversary of his ordination, and he
concluded by expressing his best wishes to the NRA for a successful

Religious Conference
The Religious Conference, which convened one day earlier, was attended
by the clergymen serving the Eastern Prelacy. The conference concentrated on
pastoral issues and spiritual enrichment through the prayers associated with
the major feasts of the Armenian Church.

The banquet on Friday, May 18, which honored the Prelate on the 40th
anniversary of his ordination, also honored several local parishioners.
Certificates of Merit were presented to Mr. Kegam Tazian, Dr. Arthur
Hamparian, Mrs. Rose Gerjekian, and Mr. Narses Gedigian. The Prelacy’s Youth
Leadership awards were presented to Ms. Meline Topouzian and Mr. Peter
The Spirit of Armenia award was presented posthumously to Michael Guido,
a popular mayor of Dearborn for many years. A first generation American,
Mayor Guido was especially attentive to the Armenian community in his quest
to bring everyone together for the greater good of all residents of
Dearborn. The award was accepted by his widow.

Prelate’s Message
The Prelate said next year we will be marking the 50th anniversary of
the Prelacy’s affiliation with the Great House of Cilicia, and we will be
celebrating the service of the Prelacy during this time. He noted that today
the largest and most vibrant tehms, or dioceses-outside of Armenia-are the
American tehms.
Noting that His Holiness Aram I has designated 2007 as the "Year of the
Armenian Language," he advised all to "Read it. Learn it. Use it." He told
the delegates and guests that "language is not only a means of
communication. It also represents the whole wisdom and philosophy of our
The main section of his address focused on the church and her mission.
He described the Church as "the noblest gift given to our people" that from
the very beginning had a historic mission. "Built on the rock of Christ,
spread by the apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew, illuminated and
nationalized through the efforts of St. Gregory the Illuminator, it was
adopted by our people and became like the ‘color of our skin.’ The Armenian
Church is that spiritual and intellectual terminal and treasure which next
to our love of Christ gave us love toward our people. . . The Armenians’
house of prayer turned into a place of congregation for all of us. Anointed
with the sweet sounding songs of mysterious melodies, she became a place of
inspiration. She became a loving and tender mother, a sacred road towards
God. Even when the bells were crushed, they echoed and the hymns became
His Eminence spoke about the challenges of secularism facing the Church.
"The charm of secularism must not blind the eye of our soul. Foolish
pleasures should not extinguish the flame that sizzles in us. On the
contrary we must know how to believe that with this zealousness we will move
closer to our church. The best evidence of this is the fact that 110 years
have passed since the formation of the Armenian Church in North America,
fifty years have passed since our affiliation with the Great House of
Cilicia and our church is better organized, more widespread and stronger."
The Prelate concluded his remarks with thoughts about our greater
immediate family. "We must become more mindful of our children’s spiritual
health and national education. This is not just the work of one group. It
cannot be accomplished alone by educated and capable clergymen, but by
collective and dedicated efforts. You are the dedicated representatives and
workers-our delegates, members of our boards of trustees, teachers,
educators, and especially the Armenian family.. It is time to work. Do not
allow the flame that burns within you to be extinguished," he said.

Chairman’s Message
Jack Mardoian, chairman of the Prelacy’s Executive Council, focused his
message on the Prelacy’s mission. He touched upon a number of topics
including the upcoming dual anniversaries; the challenges facing our clergy
in today’s reality; parish responsibilities; evaluation of educational
materials and directives provided by the Prelacy; the need for better
communications; development of parishes; the vital necessity of review and
re-evaluation of current programs; and finally the financial resources
necessary to realize the mission of the Church.
"As we approach the 110th anniversary of the initial establishment of
our Prelacy in 1898, the Executive Council has chosen to focus the attention
of this year’s National Representative Assembly on what it is that calls us
to the church and on what the mission of our church is in today’s world.
Although it would seem that any discussion of the mission of the Prelacy
calls for the discussion of a series of seemingly complex and difficult
questions, as Aram Vehapar has set forth in his Pontifical Encyclical, The
Message of the 1700th Anniversary.the mission of the Armenian Church and
therefore of this Prelacy is really quite simple: The mission of our
Prelacy, as set forth in the Gospel of Mark 16:15 is to ‘Go into all the
world and to preach the Gospel to everyone.’ In this context, again quoting
Aram Vehapar, ‘the church is a community of faith, where people are joined
together in Christ, live together the imperatives of the Gospel and strive
for the full realization of the community of God.’ And yet, despite this
rather simple and straightforward statement of our mission as a church, it
is obvious that this mission is not being understood and is not being
communicated to those who live within the geographic borders of our
Mr. Mardoian then identified and explained the areas of focus necessary
"if we are to grow as a Christian people within our church and prelacy."
Concluding his keynote address, the chairman challenged the delegates to
begin their deliberations in earnest. "It is your work, as the supreme
legislative body of our Prelacy, to advise the Executive Council on the
progress of its ongoing work and to propose programs which will enhance our
ability to serve effectively and to realize our mission as a church."

Panel Discussions
The five panel discussion groups were on the following topics: Youth and
Young Adults; Clergy Recruitment, Development and Training; Financial
Development; Audit and Budget; By-Laws Review.
Delegates were assigned to specific panels where discussions took place
with a report presented to the full NRA with specific recommendations. The
reports will be studied and implemented by the Executive Council.

Celebrating Ascension
Thursday evening a Divine Liturgy took place in St. Sarkis Church, on
the occasion of the Feast of Ascension (Hambardzoom). Rev. Fr. Sarkis
Aktavoukian, pastor of Sourp Khatch Church in Bethesda, Maryland, was the
celebrant. With all of the clergy participating, delegates and guests were
joined by a large turnout of St. Sarkis parishioners to witness this
inspiring service commemorating the Ascension of our Lord forty days after
His Resurrection.

NALG Conference
The 24th annual national conference of the National Association of
Ladies Guilds (NALG) took place concurrent with the NRA. During the meeting
the executive members of the NALG presented their annual report and programs
to the representatives of the various Ladies Guilds. The theme during the
year that just concluded was "When you educate a girl, you educate a
family." The 2007-2008 theme is "Religious Education."
The attendees at the conference heard several speakers. Joy Callan spoke
on the "Influence of our Heritage, Parents and Culture;" Harry Dakesian
spoke about "Women’s Health and Exercise;" and Yeretzgeen Margaret Stepanian
presented a video of the Sunday School students from St. Asdvadzadzin
Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, building a home in Armenia.
The newly elected NALG executive board members are: Mary Derderian,
President; Rose Gerjekian, Vice President; Yeretzgeen Margaret Stepanian,
Secretary; Joy Callan, Treasurer; Agnes Bianco, Advisor; Rita Tatevossian,

With three seats to be filled on the Executive Council, the three
incumbents were elected to serve another term: Bedros Givelekian, Jack
Mardoian, and Noubar Megerian.
With two seats to fill on the Religious Council, the incumbent Rev. Fr.
Aram Stepanian, pastor of St. Asdvadzadzin Church in Whitinsville,
Massachusetts, and Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aktavoukian, pastor of Sourp Khatch
Church, Bethesda, Maryland, were elected.
Elected to the Auditing Committee were Aspet Marashian, Avedis
Movsessian and Raffi Ourlian.

Before adjourning, the delegates heard from two guests in attendance.
Mr. Zohrab Tazian, World Council Delegate, and Mr. Edward Korkoian, the
representative of the Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern), who
expressed the greetings of His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate
of the Eastern Diocese. He congratulated Archbishop Oshagan on his 40th
anniversary of ordination wishing him good health and a long life in his
service to the Armenian Church.
The co-chairmen thanked the delegates for an orderly and upbeat
assembly. They thanked the pastor and parishioners of the host church for
their outstanding hospitality.
The final word was from the Prelate who thanked His Holiness Aram I for
his leadership and guidance. He expressed his deep appreciation to all the
delegates for the love they demonstrated to the Church. He thanked the St.
Sarkis community, Der Daron, the Board, Ladies Guild, Diramayr and
Yeretzgeen. He expressed thanks to Mr. Korkoian for his representation on
behalf of the Eastern Diocese and Archbishop Khajag.
The Prelate announced that in June 2008 there will be the Blessing of
the Holy Chrism (Muron) in Antelias, Lebanon and an international youth
gathering in August.
He closed the 2007 National Representative Assembly with the
benediction. "Greet one another with the kiss of love. Peace to all of you
that are in Christ."
