ANCA Leo Sarkisian Interns Arrive In Washington, DC

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email [email protected]

June 27, 2007
Contact: Dzovak Kazandjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
welcomed 7 interns from across the U.S and Canada to Washington, DC
this week for the Leo Sarkisian Internship, an eight week intensive
program designed to give student leaders and activists the tools
necessary to effectively advance Armenian American concerns.

The Leo Sarkisian Internship Program, now in its 23rd year, is an
integral part of a growing effort to provide Armenian Americans
greater opportunities to explore careers on Capitol Hill, in the
U.S. Foreign Service and key Washington, DC foreign policy think
tanks. It is a part of the larger ANCA Capital Gateway Program,
which is designed to help university students and graduates find
internships and permanent positions in Congressional offices as
well as a host of other government agencies and policy groups.

"The ANCA Leo Sarkisian program is not just an internship; it’s a
training ground for the next generation of leaders in our
community," said Capitol Gateway Program director Serouj
Aprahamian. "We work to provide our interns with a broad array of
knowledge, skills, and first-hand experience so that they can be
more effective activists and have a solid foundation on which to
build for the future."

Interns, who participate in a wide variety of projects based on
their individual interests, are given the opportunity to gain
hands-on experience within the American political system. They
participate in a bi-weekly lecture series featuring guest
lecturers, including public officials and Armenian American

Participants were able to attend the first-ever joint U.S. Congress
– Russian Duma open meeting and see congressmen such as House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Representative Tom Lantos (D-CA)
participate in a discussion about democracy, human rights and
unresolved regional conflicts with Russian leaders on Thursday.

Interns this year include Paul Ternamian from Canada, Alidz Oshgan
and Nyree Naljian from the East Coast, and Alex Der Alexanian,
Shant Hagopian, Dzovak Kazandjian and Christopher Yemenidjian from
the West Coast.

Shant Hagopian, a political science major transferring to the
University of California, Berkeley this fall, has been a student
government officer and member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma state
honor’s society at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, CA. He has
also worked closely with the ANC of West San Fernando Valley on a
variety of projects.

"I’m here to combine my passion for politics and government with my
pride as an Armenian-American to advance Hai Tahd here in our
nation’s capital with the ANC," said Hagopian.

"As participants in this year’s internship, our objective is to
develop the effective tools and knowledge necessary to make a
positive difference in our respective communities," said Paul
Ternamian, a recent graduate of the University of Toronto with a
degree in Economics. "Moreover, the Leo Sarkisian internship
program will allow us to improve our understanding of various
important ANCA issues affecting Armenian Americans." In addition to
his work with the Armenian National Committee of Toronto and his
participation in Homenetmen, Ternamian is on the executive
committee of his local ARF Youth Organization of Canada (ARF YOC)
Simon Zavarian chapter.

Dzovak Kazandjian, a Sociology and English double major at the
University of California, Irvine, serves on the executive committee
for the South Bay ANC and has interned for the Orange County
Register and Asbarez Daily Newspaper.

"Leo Sarkisian gives interns the opportunity to travel to
Washington DC and completely immerse themselves in the political
process," Kazandjian said. "It allows young Armenians to gain the
tools necessary to further help Armenian Americans in their local

Alidz Oshagan, a Sociology major at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison, is a member of the Detroit "Kopernik Tandourjian" AYF
Senior chapter. She has interned at the Armenian Weekly and has
also taught at the A.R.S Detroit Zavarian Armenian weekly school.

"I wanted to be a part of the Leo Sarkisian internship because it
will allow me to explore Hai Tahd issues, which is something I want
to continue doing in the future on a bigger level," said Oshagan.

Alex Der Alexanian, a business administration major with a
concentration in finance at the California State University,
Fullerton, has dedicated numerous hours volunteering with the On
Track Mentorship program for at risk youth, in addition to his ANC
activism and involvement in Orange County’s Ashod Yergat AYF.

"I was interested in the Leo Sarkisian Internship Program because
it is an excellent way to get hands-on experience with Hai Tahd on
a national level," said Alexanian. "Also, I wanted to learn the
skills necessary to become an effective activist and take those
skills back to my community."

"I love being a part of the Armenian community and working for the
Armenian Cause," said Nyree Naljian, a student at Pace University
in New York receiving her masters in Accounting. "When I heard
about this organization, I was extremely excited to be a part of it
to be able to fight for my rights as an Armenian and not deny my

A New Jersey native, Naljian has been involved in the Armenian
Evangelical Youth Fellowship, the Armenian Church Youth
Organization of America and also serves as a Sunday school teacher
at the Armenian Presbyterian Church. She is also a member of Lambda
Sigma national honor’s society at Pace University.

Christopher Yemenidjian, a Political Science and English double
major transferring to the University of California, Berkeley this
spring, has shown immense dedication to his local Armenian
community, serving as the chairman of the South Bay AYF Potorig
chapter, South Bay ANC, and the United Human Rights Council. In
addition, he has interned at the ANCA-Western Region office, is a
veteran of the U.S Air Force, and has also been inducted into the
Alpha Gamma Sigma honor’s society.

"The Leo Sarkisian internship permits future leaders to showcase
their abilities, while allowing them to reach their full
potential," said Yemenidjian. "It is essential for us to stand
united and continue to fight the intellectual war against those who
deny our cultural history and those who stand in our way during our
quest for a united Armenia."


Photo Caption: The ANCA 2007 Leo Sarkisian Interns (from l to r):
Alex Der Alexanian, Dzovak Kazandjian, Chris Yemenidjian, Nyree
Naljian, Paul Ternamian, Alidz Oshagan, and Shant Hagopian.