President Of Greece Visits Tsitsernakaberd


Jun 27 2007

YEREVAN, JUNE 27, ARMENPRESS: President of Greece Karolos Papoulias,
with his spouse May Popoulia, visited today Tsitsernakaberd, memorial
to the victims of the Armenian genocide.

In the memory book of the Genocide museum the president wrote "The fact
of genocide is very barbaric from the point of you of the violation
of human rights and is a black line in the contemporary history of
humanity. The fact of the genocide must at least be recognized and
take the responsibility and apologize."

May Popoulia wrote "I once again felt the deep roots which unite
Armenian and Greek peoples."

Karolos Papoulias put a wreath to the memorial of the victims of the
genocide and planted a tree in the memory alley.

The Greek parliament approved a resolution condemning Armenian genocide
in 1996.