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Bush, Pelosi and Clinton Support PKK

Bush, Pelosi and Clinton Support PKK

by Scott Sullivan

June 30, 2007 12:12 PM EST

The British Sun newspaper last Tuesday carried a story quoting British
intelligence sources that Iran is moving elite units of the Islamic
Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) into southern Iran facing Iraq and
even into Iraq itself (see Investors Business Daily report on 6/26/07,
`Iran Picks a Fight’). These Iranian deployments pose a direct threat
to British troops who are responsible for stability in southern Iraq.

According to British intelligence, Iran would not undertake such
provocative deployments unless Iran was preparing to confront UK forces
in southern Iraq.

Again, by way of backdrop, Iran in southern Iraq is taking Basra and
one-third of Iraq’s territory and oil reserves, while in northern Iraq
Massoud Barzani is taking Kirkuk and another one-third of Iraq’s
territory and oil reserves.

In other words, Iran and the Kurds are demolishing Iraq. And what is
the response from President Bush and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to such
naked aggression? Blissful silence.

Even worse, Bush is preparing US forces to confront Turkey, not Iran
and the Kurds. Just this week the State Department reissued its warning
to Turkey to refrain from attacking PKK camps in northern Iraq. This
State Department warning means that Bush is in accord with Bill
Clinton’s recommendation that the PKK be taken under US protection in
northern Iraq.

Again, to be sure that the situation is crystal clear, Iran and the
Kurds are demolishing Iraq, while the US is preparing to confront
Turkey, a fellow member of NATO.

Pelosi’s attraction to the PKK comes as no surprise. Pelosi has deep
ties with the Greek Lobby here in the US. The Greek Lobby has long been
pro-Kurdish and anti-Turkey. Pelosi has taken the lead in pushing
through Congress the Armenia Genocide resolution, which will destroy
all prospects of US-Turkish cooperation against Iran.

In short, Iran and the PKK now find in their corner the powerful team
of Bush, Pelosi, and Clinton. Moreover, it is now rumored that Paul
Wolfowitz will join this pro-PKK team when he takes a high position at
the American Enterprise Institute. He has never condemned the PKK.

Finally, Iran and the PKK got an additional boost from Red China this
week. The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a written statement, similar
to that from the US, warning Turkey against intervening against PKK
camps in northern Iraq.

In sum, a powerful united front which is anti-Turkey and pro-PKK is
shaping up, involving President Bush, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and
Bill Clinton. On the international side, the anti-Turkey front
involves, as of today, Iran and Red China. Not to worry. Turkey will

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