Congressman Mel Watt’s Cosponsors the Armenian Genocide Resolution

Congressman Mel Watt’s Cosponsors the Armenian Genocide Resolution
30.06.2007 11:37

Members from the Armenian National Committee of Charlotte welcomed
Congressman Mel Watt’s cosponsorship of the Armenian Genocide
Resolution (H. Res. 106). Congressman Watt represents the 12th
Congressional District of North Carolina, and is currently serving his
8th term.

"The Armenian community here in Charlotte is very grateful for
Congressman Watt’s recent cosponsorship of H. Res. 106. We had an
opportunity to meet with staff from the Congressman’s office to discuss
the legislation, and applaud him for signing on to the legislation,"
commented ANC of Charlotte Chairman Jack Hagopian. "The Armenian
community in Charlotte is growing rapidly, and we will continue to
build relationships with our members of Congress," he added.

Hagopian, along with other Armenian activists including Dr. Sylvie
Bastajian, a constituent in Watt’s district, have met with various
Congressional districts that represent the Armenian American community.
Bastajian also hosted an educational seminar to educate human rights
activists about genocide recognition legislation, and how they can get
involved. "I felt that we needed to be doing more. Several of my
friends who are not Armenian realize that this is not an Armenian
issue, but it is a human rights issue," stated Dr. Bastajian.