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Sorbonne Rector: Azerbaijan hinders visit of UNESCO monitor mission

Rector of Sorbonne University: It is Azerbaijan that hinders the visit
of UNESCO monitoring mission to the region

2007-06-29 20:15:00

It is Azerbaijan that hinders the visit of a UNESCO monitoring mission
to the region, Gerard-Francois Dumont, Rector of the Sorbonne
University, who took part in a scientific conference "Minorities and
Conflicts in the South Caucasus" in Yerevan, told ArmInfo correspondent.

According to him, the delay of the UNESCO monitoring mission’s visit is
connected with Azerbaijan’s reluctance to receive the mission. To
remind, the Armenian authorities appealed to UNESCO to send a mission
to investigate the facts of destruction of Armenian khachkars
(cross-stones) and other artifacts at the Armenian Old Julfa cemetery
in Nakhijevan by Azeri soldiers. For its part, the UNESCO leadership
said that it negotiates with Armenian and Azeri authorities to reach an
agreement on the initiative to send the mission, the structure of the
mission and the date of its visit to the region.

Khondkarian Raffi:
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