Speaker confirms that bill on Radio/TV doesn’t concern Radio Liberty

Speaker of the Armenian Parliament confirms that the bill on amending
the law ‘On Television and Radio’ doesn’t concern the Radio Liberty

2007-06-29 20:21:00

Today, on June 29, Anthony Godfrey, Charge d’Affaires of the US Embassy
in Armenia, told journalists that Tigran Torossyan, Speaker of the
Armenian Parliament, confirmed that the package of laws adopted in the
first reading on June 29 are not directed against the Radio Liberty.

A.Godfrey noted that the USA has been proud of the Radio Liberty’s work
for a long time. If this bill is directed against the Radio Liberty, in
is incomprehensible how the law will contribute to democratic purposes,
he noted.

A.Godfrey also met Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan who promised
that the Radio Liberty’s broadcast will not be limited. At the same
time, he noted that the US Embassy in Armenia continues
following the development of the situation. To remind, today the
Armenian Parliament adopted a draft law on introducing amendments to
the law "On Television and Radio". Many observers think that the draft
law restricts the broadcast of the Radio Liberty.