Farhad Badalbeyli: Azerbaijan Should Treat Karabakh Armenians As Its


2007-07-02 13:22:00

Rector of the Baku Musical Academy, USSR People’s Artist, Professor
Farhad Badalbeyli positively assessed the results of his visit
to Nagorno Karabakh and Yerevan together with the delegation of
Azerbaijani intellectuals.

"I assess the results as positive. It is pleasant that the US State
Department, Russian Foreign Ministry, the presidents themselves
responded in the same way. Despite complexity of the relations, they
approved this idea, from all the sensible, pragmatic people who do
not work for sensation, for their political image, they just argue
soberly: what shall we do to get out of this situation. Of course,
this is a very important moment and we should work with the people
whom we consider the Azerbaijani citizens", Badalbeyli said, the
Day.az reports. He thinks that if Azerbaijan wishes to see Karabakh
in its structure, it should treat the people living there as the
citizens of Azerbaijan. Otherwise, quite another decision should
be made. In this case, one will have to think of seriousness of
this step, as neither the big countries nor the European Union will
approve this step. As for the Armenian party’s mood, Badalbeyli said:
" I felt their tiredness as well, as the results of their Pyrrhic
victory are apparent. Today, Shusha is a beautiful city, this is a
pearl which turned into a plantom-city". "Fifteen years have passed,
and if the people were sure of their power, over these years, they
would move there and develop construction, and they would be given
credits like the Jewish settlements in Gaza.

However, it did not happen. It means that the people are not sure
of tomorrow, they think they would give up their lands sooner or
later", F.

Badalbeyli said.

As for cooperation with the Armenians before the conflict settlement,
Badalbeyli said "they also have a desire but the situation is
different. I am not a politician and I cannot make terms. However,
after the talk with Robert Kocharyan, an idea was heard that such
contacts may take place only after the steps of good will". It means
that the Armenians have to liberate the seven regions for refugees
to return there, after which the contact may become real.

"Such meetings are necessary, they are so-called cerebric attacks,
as the Armenian delegation comprised serious people: Director of
Conservatory, President of the Academy, etc. We should contact
and persuade as they also have definite complexes. The Armenians,
as pragmatic people, cannot but understand the hopelessness of
their policy, especially after the visit to Baku, which, I think,
made a deafening impression on representatives of the Armenian
intellectuals", F. Badalbeyli said. Touching upon the response of
Azerbaijani party to the delegation’s visit and the issue how much
the Azerbaijani public is ready for such contacts, F. Badalbeyli said
that the public is ready by 40% as yet, while 60-70% of people will
condemn such initiatives. "However, this meeting, evidently, was so
much important that even the Department of State responded to it", F.

Badalbeyli said. "We must show that the people can live with each
other, that two peoples will live in Nagorno Karabakh, first, being
guarded by international forces. Afterwards, everything will pass in
normal way. However, this process must be started and someone had to
take the first step. We have made this fist step and were attacked
by the press.

However, it is typical. I think, we are wrecked by the emotional
approach to the problem solution, and we have to become the Norwegians
in this sense", F. Badalbeyli said.