Amendments And Addenda Made To RA Law "On Fixed Payments"


Noyan Tapan
Jul 03 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 3, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA NA, on July 3, in the second
reading and completely adopted the bill authored by the RA government,
which envisages making amendments and addenda to the valid law "On
Fixed Payments."

According to the bill, individual entrepreneurs engaged in trade
activity at fairs through stalls and other facilities in Yerevan, in
territories not exceeding 7 sq.m. and in other places 10 sq. m. will
be considered as those paying fixed payments. At that, during three
months the trade circulation per one square meter should not exceed
1.2 mln drams and for those selling jewelry wares 2.5 mln drams
(nearly 7.3 thousand dollars). The above mentioned amount will regard
the total sum of circulation received from activity carried out by
tax-payer’s all sale points.

The adopted amendments and addenda also establish the amount of
fixed payment for trade activity at fairs. It is also mentioned that
starting July 1, 2008, the monthly amount of the fixed payment will
be clarified for each three years, proceeding from the consumer prices
index of the previous three years, and will be submitted to the NA.