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ANCA Held 24-Hour "Call For Justice" Campaign In Support Of Armenian


02.07.2007 15:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Thousands of Armenian Americans and human rights
advocates participated in the ANCA National Call-In Days this
week calling for increased bipartisan backing for the adoption of
the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106) by the U.S. House of
Representatives, reported the Armenian National Committee of America

The June 27th campaign, titled "Call for Justice", was extended by
24 hours, following community requests to expand the program due to
overwhelming interest from local activists.

Over 12,000 visited the ANCA Call-in webpage and more than 2,000
submitted call-feedback forms reporting their conversations with
Congressional offices. The effort is a follow up to April’s successful
"Click for Justice" ANCA WebFax campaign to Congressional offices,
touted as the internet’s largest on-line genocide protest.

"The ANCA’s national congressional call-in day, "Call for Justice",
is a great demonstration of the power of grassroots advocacy," said
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), sponsor of H.Res.106. "These calls are a
useful tool in the fight to get the Armenian Genocide resolution
passed. I thank the ANCA and all their supporters for making these
important calls."

"We want to thank the thousands of our friends – Armenian and
non-Armenian – who took part in National Call-In Day," said Aram
Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. "This type of authentic
grassroots activism is vital to building the support we will need
to overcome the deniers who continue to stand in the way of America
speaking with moral clarity on the Armenian Genocide."

The Armenian Genocide Resolution has already gained support of 218
Representatives. It urges the U.S. President to use term ‘genocide’
in his annual April 24 statement.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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