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ANKARA: Security Forces Allegedly Commanded Dink Assassination – RAD


Turkish Daily News, Turkey
Turkish Press Scanner
July 3 2007

An important development related to slain Turkish-Armenian journalist,
Hrant Dink, came to light as his murder case went to court, daily
Radikal reported yesterday.

The suspect, Yasin Hayal, who allegedly provided the gunman with money
and a gun to kill Dink, in a letter written to the prosecutor of the
case, argued that a group with the security forces commanded them to
conduct the assassination, wrote the daily.

"You did not save us even if you knew about the issue," said Hayal
to the prosecutor, who demanded lifetime imprisonment for him. In
his letter dated May 9, entitled, "I am reproachful," Hayal said:
"I would not like to use this title but you have prepared such an
indictment that you officially prepared our death warrant. I made
sincere confessions, gave you important information. Is this your
response? You asked for aggravated lifetime imprisonment. If that
was not enough you asked 20 to 30 years more for being the leader
of a terror organization. Are the ones who raise the Turkish flag,
automatically considered terrorists in this country now?" Radikal
quoted Hayal.

Hayal covered many details in his first statement when he was detained
in the Black Sea city of Trabzon and brought to Istanbul and said
that the murder was planned with the gunman. But he wanted to renew
his statement shortly after he was arrested.

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