Leo Sarkisian Interns Wrap Up Their Second Full Week Of Internship P


03.07.2007 10:31

Entering their third week, ANCA Leo Sarkisian Eastern Region
interns Nyree Naljian and Alidz Oshagan have gone above and beyond
the expectations of most summer interns. While spending their days
at the ANCA office, both have attended functions on Capitol Hill,
visited Congressional offices, and worked on the various projects and
tasks at hand reported the Armenian National Committee of America,
Eastern Region (ANCA-ER).

"We are so honored to have two young, bright, young, and motivated
activists from the eastern region interning in the office this
summer. Having an opportunity to meet all seven interns, it is clear
that each one of them brings their own expertise to the organization
and work collectively to strengthen our cause," commented ANCA Eastern
Region Executive Director Karine Birazian.

Naljian, a New Jersey native, is a junior at Pace University in
the Masters program for Business Accounting. She applied for the
internship to gain first hand experience in the American political
system while becoming more involved with Armenian issues.

"So far this internship has been even more than what I expected. I have
been to Capitol Hill for several occasions, participated in lectures
with Armenian American leaders and professionals from various fields,
and also have met key figures in the House of Representatives and
Senate including the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi," commented

Oshagan, originally from Michigan, is a sophomore at University of
Wisconsin Madison, and is majoring is Sociology, with plans to attend
law school in the future. She applied to the internship to increase
her knowledge on how a grassroots organization operates. Oshagan
and Birazian even spent her second day on Capitol Hill distributing
a magazine created by the North Farmington School District to help
raise awareness about genocide, to the entire Michigan Congressional

"The ANCA Leo Sarkisian internship has allowed me to contribute to
the Armenian cause in a hands-on way that I have not been able to
do in the past. I also have the opportunity here to go to Capitol
Hill and meet with staffers which helps build communication skills
regarding informing offices about Armenian issues," commented Oshagan.

Naljian and Oshagan have spent their first few weeks in the office
working on several projects, including advocacy outreach to help
with H. Res. 106 (the Armenian Genocide resolution), participating in
lectures by prominent individuals, attending Congressional Baseball
games, as well as working on their own personal projects which focus
on advancing the Armenian cause.

Now in its 23rd year, the ANCA LSI Program provides student leaders
and activists an opportunity to participate in an intensive 8-week
program designed to give them the tools necessary to effectively
advance issues of concern to the Armenian American community on the
federal, state and local level. The LSI Program is a competitive and
prestigious internship program and is widely considered to be the
best program of its kind for Armenian American college students.