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NKR President: Kosovo Example Encouraging


2007-07-03 13:24:00

"Kosovo example encourages us," NKR President Arkady Ghouakssyan
said making a report "Nagorny Karabakh: prospects of settlement"
at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Tuesday.

He said the international community applies dual standards
when stating that Kosovo example cannot become a precedent for
Karabakh. Russia disagrees with such opinions and has more logic and
devoted position. "If there is a solution to an analogous conflict,
no one will be able to avoid its affecting another one. It will have at
least an indirect impact. So far, no one has found a logic explanation
to why Kosovo model is not a precedent for other conflicts," Arkady
Ghoukassyan said. He also added that from the historical point of
view there is no issue which the international community relies on to
differentiate the settlement of the two conflicts. "Nagorny Karabakh
has much more arguments for recognition of its independence than
Kosovo," NKR president said.

Torosian Aram:
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