Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]
July 5, 2007
CONTACT: Karoon Panosyan
E-mail: [email protected]
U.S. Program in its 30th Year
Washington, DC – Now in its 30th year, the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly
Internship Program in Washington, DC remains one of the country’s most
competitive and rewarding programs offered to students of Armenian
descent. Like the hundreds before them, in June, a group of talented
Armenian-American college students arrived to the nation’s capital to
jump start their careers by working in various government offices,
think tanks, media outlets and cultural institutions.
During their first weeks in Washington, the interns attended several
lectures by prominent officials in the federal government including
U.S. Department of State Office Director for Caucasus Affairs and
Regional Conflicts Elizabeth Rood and Adjudications Officer Noris
Balabanian and Vartan Vartanian from the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security. In addition, Dr. Levon Avdoyan the Armenian and Georgian
specialist at the Library of Congress, led a tour of the facilities
and discussed the vast collection of Armenian artifacts.
In the upcoming weeks, the students will meet with the Co-Chairs of
the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
and Joseph Knollenberg (R-MI), as well as Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
and Congressmen Mark Kirk (R-IL), Ed Royce (R-CA) and Adam Schiff
(D-CA). Participants will also meet with Armenia’s Ambassador to the
U.S. Tatoul Markarian and attend a lecture by the Executive Director
of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Mark Krikorian.
"The Armenian Assembly of America has provided us with an amazing,
stimulating internship program that features dynamic speakers from
various professional backgrounds," said intern Bianka Kadian-Dodov
from Reno, Nevada. "I am looking forward to the rest of the
summer. I’m sure it will be an experience I will never forget."
Meanwhile, participants of the Assembly’s Armenia program are spending
the summer interning at various governmental offices and
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), health and wellness facilities
and media outlets, among others. Like their counterparts in the U.S.,
students will be meeting with senior government officials and other
prominent individuals to gain a better understanding of the social,
economic and political development of Armenia.
Since their arrival, they have met with Armenia’s then Minister of
Justice David Haroutunyan who currently serves as Chairman of the
Committee on Legal Affairs of Armenia’s Parliament, Ombudsman Armen
Harutyunyan and Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy Anthony
Godfrey. During a three-day trip to Nagorno Karabakh, interns visited
the HALO Trust Demining Center and met with Minister of Foreign
Affairs Georgi Petrosian. They also had the opportunity to travel to
the Khor Virap, Noravank, Haghpat, Sanahin and Geghard Monasteries,
and Garni Temple.
"I have thoroughly enjoyed my internship with the Armenian Assembly,"
said intern Christian Ohanian from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. "I feel
as though living in Yerevan, and working with the International Center
for Human Development (ICHD) has helped me to better understand
Armenia’s ongoing transformation."
Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny applauded the success of
both internship programs. "Over the past 30 years, we have had more
than 860 students of Armenian descent from virtually every state and
eight countries, participate in the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly
Internship Program in Washington. We hope that both the Washington and
Yerevan programs continue to grow for years to come and expand
opportunities for Armenian-Americans students to learn about the
democratic process."
The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership
Edito r’s Note: Below is the complete list of Armenian Assembly 2006
Summer Interns.
WASHINGTON, DC INTERNS: Name, school – placement
* Ani Avagyan, University of California, Berkley – Library of Congress
* Khachatur Avalyan, Boston University, Graduate School of Management – Armenian International Policy Research Group
* Serop Babayan, Southern Utah University – Armenian Assembly of America
* Sarkis Balkhian, Clark University – Armenian National Institute
* Zari Bazarian, University of Vermont – Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
* Marrissa Boyajian, Syracuse University – Fox News
* Von Chorbajian, College of Wooster – Armenian American Cultural Association Inc.
* Bianka Dodov, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives
* Aram Hanessian, Vanderbilt University – Armenian Assembly of America
* Benjamin Hanessian, Tufts University, Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
* Ani Hatza, Bryn Mawr College – Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA)
* Jenna Ishkanian, Franklin and Marshall College – Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
* Theresa Kevorkian, Colgate University, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT)
* Alexander Kircikoglu, Queens College -Representative Anthony D. Weiner (D-NY)
* Melinda Mitchell, Grand Vally State University – Center for Immigration Studies
* John Paul, Shamshoian, Emory University – Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
* Galine Torossian, University of Michigan – Representative Joe Knollenberg (R-MI)
* Natalie Yazidjian, University of Massachusetts – Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation
YEREVAN, ARMENIA INTERNS: Name, school – placement
* Mark Berberian, University of Chicago – Armenian-European Policy and Legal Advice Center
* Michelle Biglarian, University of California, San Diego – Armenian-American Wellness Center
* Talar Hovnanian, University of California, San Diego - Armenian Center for National and International Studies
* Brynne Janeway, University of Michigan – Ombudsman’s Office
* Rebecca Jarvis, Claremont McKenna College – Armenian Tree Project
* Haig Kherlopian, American University – Armenian Center for National and International Studies
* Samantha Kyrkostas, Oberlin College – Armenian Tourism Development Agency
* Nelli Martirosyan, University of California, Berkeley – Ministry of Education and Science
* Yanina Nersesova, University of Michigan – Markaryan Medical Center
* Christian Ohanian, University of Chicago – International Center for Human Development
* Deanna Schanz, Sarah Lawrence College – Orran Benevolent Non-Governmental Organization and ArmeniaNow News Agency