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Azerbaijanis’ Protest Contradicts to PACE Resolution


05-07-2007 14:49:42

Rene van der Linden, president of the PACE, said during the meeting
with Speaker Tigran Torosyan on July 4 there is no progress towards the
resolution of the Karabakh conflict, and no efforts are made to shape
public opinion to solve the issue through talks, the public relations
department of the National Assembly reported. Speaker Torosyan said the
underlying index regarding the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue
is the opinion being shaped in Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan, and
this index suggests that nobody in Armenia or Karabakh instills hatred
or hostility among the public against Azerbaijan, whereas Azerbaijan’s
efforts are made in the opposite direction. Evidence to this is the
reaction to the recent visit of the Armenian and Azerbaijani activists
to Yerevan, Stepanakert and Baku. Armenia and Azerbaijan appreciated
this initiative, whereas Baku met with reproach and protests through
the media and meetings. And this contradicts to the PACE resolution
which condemns propaganda of war and hatred. The speaker said the
international organizations will be helpful to the settlement if they
give an unbiased evaluation of the attitude of each country. Besides,
cases of propaganda of hatred and war cannot be explained by elections.
At least, no such cases were reported during the parliamentary
election, and as the presidential election is drawing nearer, the
public relations department of the National Assembly reported.

Kalantarian Kevo:
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