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Constitution firm base for strengthening democracy and stable Devel.


Constitution is firm base for strengthening democracy
and stable development of Armenia
05.07.2007 14:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ President of Armenia Robert
Kocharian congratulated the Armenian nation on the
Constitution Day. Particularly, the message of the
President underlines that Constitution has a special
meaning for any country, it outlines the ways of
development of the state. `The RA Constitution is a
firm base for strengthening democracy and stable
development. The Constitution guarantees basic rights
and freedoms of people. It provides balance between
power branches and effective cooperation between them,
guarantees strengthening of local self-government
bodies,’ Robert Kocharian stressed. The Armenian
President expressed assurance that the Organic Law
will serve to the stability of the state and welfare
of people.

Harutyunian Christine:
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