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DM, Ambassador of India stress the need for military cooperation

RA Defense Minister, Ambassador of India stress the need for military

04.07.2007 17:00

On June 4 RA Defense Minister Michael Harutyunyan received the
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Armenia, Mrs.
Rina Pandey.

The Ambassador congratulated Michael Harutyunyan on assuming the
Defense Minister’s Office.

During the meeting the parties turned to the provisions of the
memorandum of understanding between the Defense Ministers of Armenia
and India signed in 2003.

Noting the considerable progress in the Armenian-Indian diplomatic,
trade-economic and cultural relations, the parties emphasized the
importance of cooperation in the military sphere.

Speaking about the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh issue, the
Ambassador noted that despite the frequent cease-fire violations by the
Azeri side, the Armenian side is inclined to solve the issue in a
peaceful way.

A number of issue related to regional security and stability were also

Varosian Antranik:
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