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Skinhead group leader arrested in Moscow


Skinhead group leader arrested in Moscow
04.07.2007 16:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russian law enforcers have detained
Maxim Martsinkevich known by nickname Tesak (hatchet)
on accusation of inciting national hatred. Moscow
prosecutor office representative Svetlana Petrenko
said Martsinkevich is charged under article 282
(incitement of hostility or hatred and humiliation of
human dignity) of the RF Penal Code.

According to some sources, Martsinkevich is the leader
of an ultranational group of skinheads, Format-18. He
has given several interviews to Russian journalists as
the leader of the group.

The Moscow bureau in human rights specializing in
struggle against fascism and xenophobia, during the
recent two years number of skinheads increased with 20
thousand, totaling 70 thousand.

Bureau head Alexander Brod says the Russian
authorities has recently taken more effective measures
against ultranationalists. However their actions are
not well systematized yet, the BBC Russian service

Khondkarian Raffi:
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