Turkey and Israel: Facing Common Threats, Sharing Great Perspectives

American Chronicle, CA
July 5 2007

Turkey and Israel: Facing Common Threats and Sharing Great

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
July 5, 2007

In a previous article we emphasized the US failure and the European
impotence to deal with the two major problems of our times, namely
the Green and the White Terror, e.g. the Islamic Terrorism and
Russia’s Eschatological Comeback. We concluded that Turkey and Israel
can do it better where others failed to solve, fueled and
deteriorated or tried to exploit problematic situations.

In this article, we will focus on the common threats faced by both
countries and we will concentrate on the great perspectives Turkey
and Israel can share. We will limit the present analysis
geographically within the borderlines of both countries.

Turkey and Israel equally threatened

The existence itself of Turkey and Israel is threatened by this
vicious dynamics of totalitarianism and obscurantism, the spectra of
Green and White Terror; in both cases the principal enemy is an
internal one. In Israel, the enemy is identified with the fanaticized
masses of the Palestinians who imposed their voice over their
moderate and reasonable compatriots and/or coreligionists. One should
never forget that the latter would love to live in a peaceful
society, enjoy socio-economic progress, and inspire dignity to the
rest of the world, without having the unbearable burden of daily
constrains due to the Islamic terrorist thugs of Hamas and Fatah.

In Turkey, the real enemy is the Islamist movement with the lewd and
gawky prime minister and foreign minister, who attempt to devise
their simulative scheme of Turkey’s islamization, vulgarization and
barbarization. Playing with the divisions of Turkey’s civilized
political establishment, utilizing the inconsistencies of the
electoral law, and relying on the perfidious support of Turkey’s
worst external enemies, Erdogan and Gul consist in national threat no
1 for the entire country.

Israel needs Turkey to solve the Palestinian problem; many long
decades of American support and European `friendship’, `neutrality’
or `obstruction’ (choose whatever you like) proved to be insufficient
for Israel to end up the Palestinian problem.

Turkey can offer what the US was by definition unable to grant. A
problem like the Palestinian issue hinges on combined religious and
national confrontation; when you seem able to arrange a solution
within one context, the other milieu’s untackled issues explode.
Turkey is a Muslim country, and in the case of Palestine what Israel
needs is not negotiations but coverage, namely Muslim coverage
justifying Israel’s rightful presence in Jerusalem.

Turkey to justify Israel’s rightful presence in Jerusalem

Turkey is the only country that can represent Islam. Any person on
earth who does not accept this is an Islamic Terrorist. This should
be made clear allover the world.

By rejecting the Islamic Caliphate as encapsulated within the Ottoman
Empire, Turkey did not simply turn secular, dissociating itself from
Islam. What happened is precisely the opposite.

Kemal Ataturk showed the only way for all the Islamic peoples,
regions, provinces and states allover the world, namely that of a
Muslim secular state whereby the society, the education, the culture,
the politics, and the daily life are all disconnected from and
cleared of any religious stamp, trace, element or dimension.

Simply, at his time, Kemal Ataturk could not impose the new concepts
and ideas on all the former Ottoman Empire’s territory due to
colonial involvement. This does not minimize in anything the
perspective and the urgent need for definite and irrevocable
imposition of Kemal Ataturk’s Enlightenment either on previously
Ottoman territories or on any state inhabited by a majority of

All the states that emanated from the Ottoman Empire are illegitimate
entities owing their existence to nefarious colonial infiltration
that promoted the diffusion of the fallacious Western Islam through
machination tactics that remind of the prisoner’s dilemma. Legitimacy
could be given to these dysfunctional and anachronistic state-relics,
only when the Enlightenment will be diffused and imposed on them.
Otherwise, these useless, tyrannical realms of Barbary, the likes of
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan and Palestine, will be the source of
hysteria, darkness, hatred, ignorance, and semi-cannibalistic

As the only Muslim Enlightened country and heir of the Ottoman
apparatus, Turkey must offer Islamic coverage to Israel’s rightful
presence in Jerusalem. The analysis may be very lengthy but it
basically involves a different reading of the Islamic sources – other
than that treacherously carried about by the bogus-Islamic
universities of the uncivil, and villainous `Arab’ world, like
Jeddah, Medina, etc.

No Right to Jerusalem – viewed through secular or religious

Turkey has to impose to these barbaric and uneducated masses the rule
that hatred is prohibited in Islam, the concept that the Jews are
highly venerated in Islam, and the principle according to which the
Law of Consequence critically applies within the World of Islam too.
The deeds of the ancestors leave an irrevocable stamp and impact on
the heirs. When the Palestinians deserted the Ottoman army fighting
against the British in 1916 – 1917, they should know that from that
moment their existence in Palestine was shaken, their birthright
removed, and their right to Jerusalem lost.

Of two things both are correct, according to one’s ideology; if you
are a secular, non religious, nationalist, you should understand that
when Germany was defeated in WW I, the country lost several
territories. And again, when Nazi Germany was crushed in WW II, more
territories were lost for Berlin, and in addition the country was
divided into two separate parts, and four zones of influence and
control. Consequently, the disreputable and shameful Palestinian
desertion of the Ottoman army fighting against the British consisted
in overt high treason against their own country. They should
therefore pay for it, and the rightful consequence is that they will
have to be en masse removed from that place. It is not theirs, as
their forefathers did not defend it.

It should additionally be reminded to everyone on earth that when
Palestinians were calmly selling their lands to newly arrived
European Jews in the 20s, the 30s, and the 40s – at a moment they had
already lost their only possible Protector, namely the Caliphate and
the Sultan – they were – practically speaking -committing suicide. It
must become clarified to all that the Palestinians lost their land
not because of any other’s plan but because of their disastrously
uncontrolled greed, low level materialism, miserable covetousness,
and utmost inanity.

What followed was just normal; a few more `mistakes’ perpetrated
between 1948 and 1973 worsened the situation. And with the last
deception being worse than the first, the terrorist acts from Entebbe
to the current suicide bombings did not help ameliorate the case of
the ramshackle Palestinians in anything. It’s over!

Keeping the reins of the argumentation, Turkey should explain to the
religious Palestinians that Jerusalem as third holiest Islamic city
does not exist anymore. The concept of Islam’s three or even four
holy cities (Jerusalem, Mekka, Madina and Harar in Abyssinia) ceased
to exist with the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate; only due to the
existence of the Ottoman Sultan as Islam’s Caliph, issues like
Islamic state, Islamic holy cities, etc. could exist. Without an
Islamic state run by generations of descendents of the Prophet and
Custodians of Islam’s insignia (currently at Top Kapi Museum at
Istanbul), there cannot be either Sharia (Islamic Law) or Islamic
Economy or any sociopolitical and ideological dimension of an Islamic

There is no Caliphate; there is no Islamic society.

Following the demise of the last Sultan, what remains of Islam is a
personal belief that cannot expand over the smallest portion of
society without being a ludicrously self-contradictory sign. Why on
earth do Muslims allover the world need an Islamic law if there is no
Islamic State? Why Islamic holy cities are a matter of political
target when there is no Caliph and Sultan anymore? It is an oxymoron.

Certainly, this does not reduce in any sense the validity of a
Spiritual Islamic Holy Jerusalem, the Holy Place where the Prophet
has been transcendentally transferred and risen to the Celestial
Jerusalem to encounter all the earlier Prophets; but the Miraj – the
Sublime Flight – has only spiritual not political validity in a world
deprived of Caliphate.

That is why any attempt by lewd, bestial pseudo-kings like this
Abdullah man of Jordan to recreate a supposedly Islamic state cannot
have Islamic corroboration. With the Caliphatic insignia confined in
Turkey, any state that would express Caliphatic aspirations would be
ridiculous. Descent and origin is one thing, but thousands could
deceptively pretend to the Caliphatic throne; the Islamic insignia
made of Selim I the undisputed Caliph, no less than 200 years after
the Ottoman dynasty was established, or to put it otherwise no less
than 60 years after the Ottoman victory over Constantinople!

Who represents Islam is quite an issue, a vast theological,
philosophical and ideological topic, in Islam; Turkey should let any
supposedly religious Palestinians realize that every Islamic renegade
who deserts the Caliph’s army loses forever his right to represent
Islam. The ominously misinterpreted Islamic Jihad is not a matter of
raw stubbornness and crude obduracy, as we attest it in the case of
Hamas and other fallacious Western `products’, but a subject of the
Utmost Consequence and the Foremost Penitence.

Religious Palestinian persistence on Palestine is not the expression
of an Islamic Wish, but emanates from a purely Satanic, incorrigible,
egoism, insensitivity and egotism of the worst sort. A real Muslim
accepts the consequence his ancestors’ deeds and pays the penalty; he
then repents and seeks expiation and atonement.

The ultimate solution of the Palestinian problem is comprehensive
expulsion of the entire Palestinian population from Palestine (West
Bank and Gaza). Turkey and Israel should set up a detailed plan and
implement it to the most detailed point.

Israel to support globally Turkey’s Secular Establishment

Having risen to power accidentally, the Turkish Islamist premier
became the puppet of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge that devises
anti-Turkish, anti – Semitic, and anti-Israeli, Merovingian
eschatological machinations. Erdogan – to the great despair of
Turkey’s outright majority of citizens, secular academia,
intellectuals, military, and administration – is managed and
maneuvered without his choosing. This is a most unwelcome situation
for Israel’s survival perspectives.

Supported by Euro-deputies and commissioners in a treacherous way and
incited to further insist on Turkey’s ill-fated candidacy, Erdogan is
led to final crush on the rocks of the most adamant, anti-Muslim,
anti-Islamic, anti-Turkish, racist Euro-block. One country would
suffice to veto the Turkish candidacy, even when all the conditions
would be met. Erdogan does not know that his Euro-supporters have
prepared themselves to sarcastically laugh on the occasion of
Turkey’s final rejection.

The perfidious Freemasonic support offered to Erdogan against the
Turkish Secular establishment would be enough for an intelligent
statesman to realize that he is surrounded by the most venomous
serpents of the multi-cursed Euro-appendix. Yet, it would be easy to
wonder why all those trying to demise the Secular establishment in
Turkey do not attempt to obliterate Secularism in their own societies

The reason is simple; they want the Enlightenment at home and the
darkness allover the planet, so that they be able to pursue and
without hindrance implement their antihuman schemes. Enlightenment
liberates the human being from the fear into which religions have
sought to plunge the Man, ever since tolerance went to oblivion.
Enlightenment in Turkey is wrong for the immoral and ulcerous enemies
of Turkey because it gave Turkey the strength to cope successfully
with the Western World.

Even worse, this time, due to the Satanic Heresy that prevailed among
the Lawless Masters of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge, Enlightenment
has been used to lead the masses to immoral deviation and tragic
transgressions that are being shamelessly covered by void and null
legislation. The inhuman targets of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge do
not target Turkey exclusively however; no one will be left untouched,
as the false debate they intend to launch has been schemed to evolve
around two perverse poles: dark and heinous pseudo-religiosity vs.
bestial transgression.

The ominous interference of the Apostate French Lodge into
Euro-politics and the manipulative conduction of European politics
consist in an alarming warning for Israel. The preservation of
Secular Turkey is Top Priority for Israel’s Survival. Israel and the
political, cultural and ideological movements of Judaism, and more
particularly Zionism, have to be mobilized on five continents against
the perspective of Turkey being deviated to any form of non secular,
religious state.

It is essential for Israel and all the Jews and Zionists allover the
world to get mobilized in order to convincingly explain to anyone
that Secular Turkey is what can be best in a vast, totalitarian and
chaotic environment that spans from the African Atlas to the Pacific
Ocean – with Turkey, Israel, India, Thailand, Singapore and South
Korea as the only exceptions.

Military Coup against Erdogan fully Justified for Democrats allover
the World

Every sort of Anti-Turkish propaganda must be outmaneuvered; European
mendacious administrators and politicians must understand that any
support to Erdogan and his uneducated Islamist thugs is to be
interpreted as overt and provocative Anti-Semitic strategy and will
be dealt with accordingly. It must be said explicitly that any means
of intervention, military coup involved, is justified in order to
kick Erdogan’s pestilence out of the sphere of Turkish politics. It
is in the interests of the World’s Zionism that any legislation
related to the so-called Armenian genocide should be invalidated in
any country allover the world.

In counterbalance of Turkey’s support for Palestine, the world’s
Zionism would support the Secular Establishment consolidate itself in
Turkey, close the door on Europe’s face, promulgate a Secular Vision
for modern Muslims, eliminate Islamic barbarism and terrorism, and
take common action in vast areas of the Middle East and Asia where
energy resources of critical importance must not be left in the hands
of Russia.

The sooner the Israeli – Zionist and Secular Turkish establishments
realize their interest in cooperating mutually on a plan to reshape
the world of the Orient by properly addressing and averting the Green
and the White Terror, the better for both countries. With Israel
consolidated in the Promised Land and with the Turkish Islamists
eliminated, the two establishments would be able to launch a New Era
of Enlightenment in the Orient; we will discuss in another article
what their plan should be in this regard.


In the picture, we see Turkish and Israeli naval forces in common
exercises with the US navy. What if the Americans go home?

