Anatolia news agency
9 Jul 07
Ankara, 9 July: "Caucasus is a strategic region, the importance and
priority of which are gradually increasing," Faruk Logoglu, retired
ambassador, who is actually the chairman of the Eurasia Strategic
Studies Centre (ASAM), said on Monday [9 July].
An international workshop on "Expectations in the Caucasus and
possibilities -Turkey’s role as a regional force and an element
of guarantee" was held in Ankara by Konrad-Adanauer-Stiftung (KAS)
Association and ASAM.
"Some regional problems that require solution, relations of regional
countries with Russia, the USA and Europe, its function as an
intersection point for communication and transportation between Asia
and Europe, its location as a shipment corridor for oil and natural
gas resources make the Caucasus a focal point," Logoglu stressed in
the opening session of the workshop at Ankara’s Bilkent Hotel.
According to Logoglu, Turkey’s Caucasus policy aims to create a stable,
secure and prosperous region. "In this context, our Caucasus policy is
based on the understanding that regional countries can reach better
conditions by not only fulfilling democracy, rule of law and human
rights but also establishing close relations with the Western world,"
he stated.
Turkey favours peaceful settlement of disputes
Logoglu said that Turkey favours peaceful settlement of regional
disputes, and pursues an active policy.
Turkey’s policy is to support and strengthen territorial integrity
and independence of south Caucasus republics, Logoglu noted.
"Turkey, which aims to ensure Russia’s constructive contribution,
also wants to take role in production and transportation of energy
resources of the Caspian basin. Within this framework, Turkey was the
first state acknowledging the independence of south Caucasus republics
in 1991 without any discrimination and has supported reconstruction
of these republics since then. Turkey not only conveyed its own
experiences for reconstruction of civilian bureaucracy but also played
an important role in establishment of armed and security forces of
particularly Georgia and Azerbaijan, and their organization in line
with NATO standards," he said.
Logoglu added, "Turkey wants settlement of frozen clashes in Caucasus
within the framework of international laws and territorial integrity
of these countries. It has backed Georgia’s territorial integrity in
every occasion and platform. Similarly, Ankara has argued that Armenia
has to end its occupation and annexation of Azerbaijani territories
under UN Security Council and OSCE resolutions in order to solve
Azerbaijani-Armenian dispute."
Economic relations with Caucasus
On the other hand, Logoglu pointed out that economic relations between
Turkey and Caucasus are gradually improving.
Logoglu said that Turkey is making serious contribution to Armenian
economy by providing employment for more than 50,000 Armenian citizens
and by indirect trade although the two countries do not have diplomatic
Also, Caucasus has key role for Turkey as a transportation corridor
for oil and natural gas pipelines, ASAM chairman underlined.
Turkish-Armenian relations
Logoglu said that Turkey was one of the first countries that recognized
Armenia’s independence and extended humanitarian aid to this country
which was facing economic problems. However, Armenia’s Turkey policy
has hampered any diplomatic relationship between the two countries,
he stressed.
"Among the factors which hamper normalization of Turkish-Armenian
relations are the expressions in Armenia’s independence declaration and
Constitution which question Turkey’s territorial integrity, Armenia’s
stance of not officially recognizing the 1921 Kars agreement which
draws the border of this country with Turkey and former Soviet Union,
its prior foreign policy target of making international arena adopt its
genocide allegations and its decision not to withdraw from Azerbaijani
territories despite UN Security Council resolutions," Logoglu said.
Logoglu noted that Turkey favours solution of all problems with
Armenia through dialogue.
EU can show more interest in Caucasus
Stating that the EU can show more interest in the Caucasus, Logoglu
said that Europe, which needs foreign energy resources, has to deal
with peace and stability of Caucasus for energy safety reasons.
On the other hand, KAS Secretary-General Wilhelm Staudacher underlined
increasing strategic importance of Caucasus and said that Europe
should deal with this region more.
Staudacher added that Turkey can have a role in stability of Caucasus
as it is a NATO member and an important partner of Europe.
The workshop will end after a reception on Monday evening.