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ARMENPAC: Majority in the House of Reps Now Supports H.RES.106

ARMENPAC, The Armenian-American Political Action Committee
Contact: Jason P. Capizzi
Tel: 972-635-5347
Fax: 972-635-5406
E-mail: jason.capizzi@armenpac.org

Representatives NOW Supports H.RES.106

Irving, Texas – ARMENPAC, the Armenian American Political Action Committee,
is proud to announce that H.RES.106, known as the Armenian Genocide
Resolution, has finally gained 218 cosponsors with the addition of
Representatives John Yarmuth (D-KY) and Donna Christensen (D-VI). Along
with Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), the primary sponsor of H.RES.106,
that resolution now has the support of 219 Members of Congress.

"On behalf of ARMENPAC, I would like to thank all cosponsors and all of the
tireless advocates in our community who have worked hard by urging their
Representatives to join in supporting H.RES.106. Two hundred eighteen is a
significant number as it represents that a majority of the members of the
House of Representatives have added their support to a piece of legislation.
Historically, the Armenian Genocide Resolution has never before had a
majority of House members supporting it," said ARMENPAC Co-Chair Edgar

"This week’s announcement is a significant milestone for the Armenian
community in the United States and around the world. The next step in the
progression of this resolution is to have it moved out of the Committee on
Foreign Affairs and posted for a vote by the entire House of Representatives
by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)," added ARMENPAC Co-Chair Annie Totah.

"Although we are thrilled to announce the 218th cosponsor, ARMENPAC is
asking our friends and supporters to continue to contact their legislators
to urge a full vote on this resolution. We have made significant progress
in our goal of ensuring that United States foreign policy reflects proper
recognition of the Armenian Genocide, but now we have to work harder then
ever to see it through to its passage," said ARMENPAC Executive Director
Jason Capizzi.

ARMENPAC is an independent, bipartisan political action committee with a
nationwide membership. ARMENPAC raises awareness of, and advocates for,
policies that help create peace, security and stability in the Caucasus
region. ARMENPAC provides financial support to federal officeholders,
candidates, political action committees and organizations that actively
support issues of importance to Armenian-Americans. For more information
and how to join ARMENPAC, please call (877) 286-1046 or visit
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Kamalian Hagop:
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