By Tamar Miansian
AZG Armenian Daily
On June 9, before the official opening of "Golden Apricot" forth Film
Festival, the chairmen of the festival’s juries represented their
expectations from the festival to the journalists. Chong Soung An,
head of the Koran Cinemateque, member of the international jury for
the fiction films (South Korea), believes that cinema is one of the
best means to maintain peace and mutual understanding between the
nations. The fact that the Korean film makers produce good films is
conditioned by a tragedy, as the Korean people is the only nation in
the world that is separated in two parts. As for such film festivals,
he said that they greatly contribute to the development of film
production as a whole.
Peter Malou, member of the ecumenical jury at the festival, stated that
one of their important tasts is to spread the information in their
disposal through the large network they have in Europe, in South and
North Americas. He believes that their participation will help the
Armenian films to be shown in abroad and to receive the evaluation
they deserve.
Vladimir Msrian, RA People’s Artist, member of the Fiction film jury,
stated then importance of the young festival. "The festival grows in
its content and quality year by year and we expect to have more and
more interesting festivals in the future," he said.
Artur Bakhtamian, member of documental film jury, stated that the
festival will help the viewers get familiarized with the new releases
in the documentary film production. At the same time, the expressed
wish that the countries rather solve their problems instead of filming
them Haroutiun Khachatrian, chairman of "Golden Apricot" film Festival,
said that the jury members should point out all drawbacks. "Every
year our jury members are so impressed with the festival that they
want to come next year too. The festival is still four years old,
and it is also already four. We should spare no efforts to secure
good impressions for our guests from the festival," he underscored.