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Robert Kocharyan And Serge Sargsyan Are Incompatible


[05:35 pm] 10 July, 2007

President’s National Security Advisor Garnik Isagulyan does not
believe that Levon Ter-Petrosyan may run for presidency.

"Of course, he has the right to be nominated, but I do not think that
he may win", said Garnik Isagulyan.

According to him, Levon Ter-Petrosyan has very littlie opportunity
since "the period of each president is remembered very well".

Mr Isagulyan reminded that in 1994 they achieved success "and Levon
Ter-Petrosyan also contributed to it, but at the end when we had
everything". According to him, Ter-Pertosyan was not on the right
path. The nation saw what progress was accomplished during the last
10 years and what outcomes gave Karabakh talks.

"The nation does not want to go back", confirmed Mr Isagulyan.

Garnik Isagulyan released the polling results of the institute of
political research. According to it, 25 percent of Yerevan citizens
want to see Robert Kocharyan in the post of the president for the
third time.

According to the survey, Robert Kocharyan has the greatest reputation
among the political actors in Armenia. To our question whether the
reputation of Robert Kocharyan is higher that Serge Sargrsyan’s
reputation, Garnik Isagulyan answered: "But why do you compare
them?" Then he insisted on what he said. He noted that Kocharyan had
put the policy on the right way and after him it would be lead just
the same way.

Mr Isagulyan also mentioned that Kocharyan’s best descendant was Serge
Sargsyan. As to his relations with Robert Kochrayan and Serge Sargsyan,
Mr Isagulyan stated that they were "splendid".

Chmshkian Vicken:
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