UC Rusal To Invest $9mln In Plants In 2007


Jul 11 2007

YEREVAN, July 11. /ARKA/. The US RUSAL plans to invest about $9mln in
its three pants in 2007, Director of the Packing Division, UC RUSAL,
Alexander Burdin told Russian reporters in Yerevan.

He reported that investments in the ARMENAL plant will total $4.6mln,
with $3.8mln to be invested in SANAYAL (Khakassia, Rusaia) and $600,000
in the "Ural Foil" plant (Mikhailovsk, Russia).

Under the investment programs, in 2007 the output is to total 25,000
tons at ARMENAL, 44,000 tons at SAYANAL (against 38,300 in 2006)
and 16,000 tons at the Ural Foil plant (against 15,536 tons in 2006),
he said.

Burdin pointed out that the company intends to increase the output
by 66%.

"This is not a final figure, and can be exceeded," he said.

An agreement on the foundation of the United Сompany RUSAL was signed
in 2006. The corporation has been founded in 2007.

In 2006, the output totaled 56,000 tons, and the proceeds $240mln. The
UC RUSAL now covers 47% of Russia’s market and 1.6% of the world’s
market. It exports 60% of its products to 400 clients in 40 countries,
mostly to North America, Europe and Near East.

The ARMENAL CJSC was founded in 2000, using the facilities of the
Kanaker aluminum plant and shared in by the Russian Aluminum Company
and the KanAZ OJSC. RUSAL has been owner of the ARMENAL CJSC since
January 2003.

On October 26, 2006, the RUSAL ARMENAL foil-rolling plant was
re-operated after large-scale modernization, with investments totaling

In 2006, the plant’s output totaled 949.7 tons.
