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ANCA: July 23rd — Second ANCA Call-In Day For Genocide Recognition

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email anca@anca.org

July 16, 2007
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Grassroots Drive Seeks Floor Vote on Bipartisan
Genocide-Prevention Legislation Before August Recess

WASHINGTON, DC – With more than a majority of the full U.S. House
of Representatives already agreeing to cosponsor the Armenian
Genocide Resolution, H.Res.106, Armenian Americans from across the
United States are set to take part in a second National Call-in Day
to press for a Congressional vote on this human rights legislation,
reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

"Building on the success of our first national call in day in
helping us top the 218 mark, this second round of nation-wide
grassroots activism aims to have this anti-genocide measure brought
to the House floor for a vote at the first opportunity," said Aram
Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA.

Currently, the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.106, has over
220 cosponsors, more than 50% of the membership of the U.S. House.
Supporters of the Resolution who are interested in participating in
the Call-in campaign can learn more by visiting the ANCA website:

Based on the caller’s ZIP Code, the website will provide their
Representative’s phone number and whether they are already a
cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution. If they are already
a supporter, the caller will be asked to express appreciation and
urge him/her to encourage their House colleague to also cosponsor
this legislation. If they are not a cosponsor, the caller will ask
him/her to please cosponsor this human rights measure.

Calling a Congressional office is quick, convenient, and hassle-

Quick: The entire call will usually take less than three minutes;
180 seconds from start to finish.

Convenient: Calls can be made from home, at work, on vacation,
while shopping, or from the road.

Hassle-Free: Congressional offices handle hundreds of constituent
calls every week and are very polite and professional in welcoming
your feedback.

In most cases (over 80% of the time), a caller will only have the
opportunity to speak to a receptionist, who will take down a brief
message. In some instances (about 15% of the time), the
receptionist will transfer the caller to the voicemail box of a
legislative aide. On rare occasion (less than 5% of the time), the
caller will be transferred directly to the assistant handling
foreign affairs.

Among the facts and arguments that callers are encouraged to
consider presenting are the following:

Legislative Facts:

* H.Res.106 has over 220 cosponsors, over 50% of the entire U.S.

* An identical resolution in the last session of Congress was
overwhelmingly adopted in the International Relations Committee by
a vote of 40 to 7.

* Forty U.S. states have recognized the Armenian Genocide.

Points to raise:

* H.Res.106 respects American values: As a matter of American
morality, the U.S. government should recognize and condemn all
genocides – past and present.

* H.Res.106 recognizes the truth: The U.S. should not allow
Turkey to use threats and blackmail to block the commemoration of a
crime against humanity.

* H.Res.106 honors U.S. history: By recognizing the Armenian
Genocide, we honor, as a proud chapter in American history, the
U.S. diplomatic protests and relief efforts for the survivors of
the Genocide.

* H.Res.106 promotes regional stability: By coming to terms with
the Armenian Genocide, Turkey can lower regional tensions and open
the door to improved relations with Armenia.

* H.Res.106 helps prevent future genocides: Turkey’s denial of
the Armenian Genocide sets a dangerous precedent that makes future
genocides more likely.

* H.Res.106 protects Armenia: Armenia cannot be safe as long as
Turkey remains an unrepentant perpetrator of genocide against the
Armenian nation.

* H.Res.106 encourages democracy: Turkey’s recognition of the
Armenian Genocide would represent a step toward its acceptance into
the European family of nations.


Zakarian Garnik:
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