NKR: Questions To The NKR Presidential Candidate Masis Mailian


Azat Artsakh Daily, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]
July 17 2007

-Mr Mailian, being absolutely young and liable to levy during
the Karabakh movement and generally in the years of struggle for
existence, how were you a success to avoid of serving in Defence Army
and all the more as participating in fighting operations? Perhaps you
had problems with health? Araik Akopian, the invalid of 1st group,
Stepanakert. –Before answering the questions of the "readers" of
the newspaper "Azat Artsakh", I would like to emphasize the following.

The tend and genetics of questions once again testify that in our
country there is an actual necessity of basic reforms in all spheres,
including also the sphere of information. And we shall by all means
realize these reforms. There is a lot of work in the sphere of public
mass-media. The information field should reflect the real position
of the country and carry out the basic function – informing the public.

Public mass-media shoul serve the people, instead of the interests of
individuals clan groupings. It’s a pity, that the official body "Azat
Artsakh" is involved in games incompatible with its public mission.

Artsakh tax-payers finance the newspaper not for this purpose.

Anyhow, I shall frankly answer the question, as in my biography there
is nothing hidden or forged. I participated in Artsakh struggle for
existence from 1989, when I was involved with my comrades in defense
of Artsakh western settlements. In 1992 the head of the NKR State
Commitee of Defence Robert Kocharian has considered purposeful that
I have worked in the Department of information and press attached
to the NKR SCD taking into consideration my abilities and knowledge
of foreign languages. I think, each conscious person understands the
important role of Department of information and press in the struggle
for existence, understands also, that it was also the information war,
which was one of the main components of the war. Then from 1993, I
worked in the NKR Ministry for Foreign Affairs. At a solving final
stage of military-political negotiations important for the country
I was the advicer of the commander of the NKR Defence Army. Each
conscious person understands also, that alongside with the fighting
operations there was a complex information and diplomatic war, that’s
also the component of Artsakh struggle for existence. In general, all
the population of Artsakh participated in the struggle for existence,
everyone – on its place. It is necessary to appreciate the contribution
of everyone. We have won with general efforts. My basic "front" was the
information and diplomatic sphere, the value of which for the statehood
of independent Artsakh unconscious people can underestimate only. I
shall note also, that working in diplomatic sphere, I constantly kept
in contact with Artsakh Defence Army combining the work of our spheres
and collaborating in the interests of our state. And it is not casual,
recently, the Minister of NKR Defence has awarded me with a special
commemorative medal as a token of gartitude for merits before the
native land and close cooperation with the NKR Ministry of Defence. As
to a question concerned to health, I shall tell, that , thank God,
I have never had any serious problem with health.