Azat Artsakh Daily, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]
July 16 2007
It is full swing on these days in villages of the republic. Karabakh
mulberry has ripened which must be gathered for making mulberry vodka
or thick syrup made from it. The inhabitants of Sos and Machkalashen
community mark with pleasure, that this year’s mulberry is rich and
healthy. The realizing works of gathered harvest have become easy.
The closed joint-stock company "Artsakh Alco" has opened a small
branch in Machkalashen where the villages hand the mulbery. The
gathered harvest is accepted by the company according to the defined
price-list,- the head of the company Arthur Gabrielian informs, –
till today 450 tons of mulberry have been stored up, 50 tons of wich
– from the villages contiguous to Askeran, and the rest 400tons –
from Amaras ravine. The minimum sweetness is defined 15 %, in that
case 50drams are paid for 1kg of mulberry. The maximum sweetness is
registered 23% , in that case 78 drams are paid for 1kg of mulberry.
At the beginning tha gathered harvest will be submitted to leavening
and in September-october months will be distilled, then will be put
to growing old , after which our unlimited vodka will be appeared on
our counters.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress