Army Of Skinheads Enjoy Freedom

By Aghavni Haroutiunian

AZG Armenian Daily #135

The number of nationalist young groups in Russia amounts to
141. While the number of their members have already surpassed 500
thousand. "Liberty" informed that this data were represented in the
report published by the Human Rights Bureau in Moscow. The Moscow
based lawyers state that the most severe and impudent nationalist
groups function in Moscow and St.


The report also points out that the number of attacks on grounds of
national intolerance and hatred has been grown. Thus, there had been
seven murder cases in first half of 2007, while in the first four
months of 2007, the number of murder cases has grown to 25.

The average age of the national extremists is 15-17.

Very often they unite in dvarious football clubs or around bands.

According to the Russian sociologists, state the fact that the
nationalists are young men is quite understandable. "Levada" center
states that at least 15% of the Russian youth supports the ideology
of extreme nationalist or Nazis. The experts state that the Russian
nationalist youth get very encouraged in their actions by the very
fact that the previous murder cases are not punished yet. The experts
state that the relevant state bodies prefer not to notice the actions
of the nationalists. Las year, over 500 attacks have been fixed and
only 33 cases were investigated in the court.