Presidential Elections Underway In NKR

19.07.2007 11:07

Presidential elections are underway in the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic. Five candidates are running for President – former Chief
of National Security Service Bako Sahakyan, ex-Foreign Minister Masis
Mailyan, leader of the NKR Communist Party Hrant Melkumyan, lecturer
of the Artsakh State Universitt Armen Abgaryan and Vanya Avanesyan.

More than 100 international observers from the US, Russia, Ukraine,
France, Serbia, Macedonia, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece,
Belgium, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transniestria are following the
election process in NKR. The Armenian observation mission is headed
by Vice-Speaker of the National assembly Ishkhan Zakaryan.

Eight District and 276 Precinct Electoral Commissions opened in NKR
at 8 a.m. One precinct operates at the NKR Permanent Representation
in Armenia.