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Diocesan Council members hold meeting in Etchmiadzin

Department of Communications
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Media Relations Specialist
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 160; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: jakeg@armeniandiocese.org

July 19, 2007


Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, and members of
the Diocesan Council traveled to Armenia in June, to visit various projects
operated by the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR). During the trip, the
Council members also spent a lot of time meeting with His Holiness Karekin
II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

"The major purpose of the trip was to come visit and recommit ourselves to
the Armenian Church, to spiritually nourish ourselves," Archbishop Barsamian
said. "We also left feeling connected to one another as individuals — of
creating a bond between the leaders of the Eastern Diocese and the
Catholicos and clergy at Holy Etchmiadzin."


The trip, which Council members paid for out of their own pockets, was an
opportunity for the Diocesan Council to see first-hand the rebirth of the
Church in Armenia and to discuss the plans the Catholicos has for
strengthening the bond between the Church and her people.

"Each journey back to our Armenian homeland you can sense a stronger faith,"
Archbishop Barsamian said. "It was good to bring together the leaders of
our Diocese and the Catholicos and other important clergy from the Mother
See. Together we’re working towards the same goal: assuring the Armenian
Church remains a meaningful aspect of the daily lives of our parishioners.
It was a great opportunity to share ideas, concerns, and opportunities."

On Sunday July 1, the Primate celebrated the badarak at the Mother Cathedral
of Holy Etchmiadzin. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a special
requiem service, presided over by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch
and Catholicos of All Armenians, was conducted at the tomb of Catholicos
Karekin I, of blessed memory; marking the eighth anniversary of his passing.

"Catholicos Karekin I, the message from him was that he was the Catholicos
of All Armenians and that Etchmiadzin was the home for every Armenian no
matter where they are in the world. From Antilias to Etchmiadzin, he showed
there’s a universal thread in our people," said Diocesan Council Chairman
Oscar Tatosian.

"One of the key points of our trip was to understand that our home, our
spiritual home is Holy Etchmiadzin," Tatosian added. "I encourage Armenian
faithful to travel to Holy Etchmiadzin, to celebrate the dreams of their
parents and grandparents, who suffered for their faith, and to pray there in
the shadow of Mt. Ararat. You’ll realize we’re a part of this unparalleled
tradition that goes back generations. What we are all about is greater than
ourselves or our parishes, it’s bigger than that and I encourage everyone to
travel to Etchmiadzin to feel that."


The Council members had an opportunity to spend several hours with the
Catholicos, during both formal and more social occasions. James Kalustian,
treasurer of the Diocesan Council, said the variety and length of the
meetings gave the Council Members a better appreciation of the future
envisioned by the Catholicos.

"It gave everyone a better appreciation for the challenges Vehapar faces in
his role as the spiritual leader of our Church and people," he said.

One issue of discussion was the recently completed sociological study of the
Diocese requested by the Diocesan Assembly delegates which explored the
status of the Armenian Christian faith here in the Eastern Diocese.

"The Catholicos is well informed on the most important concerns of our
faithful in America. He is in touch with what’s going on in the United
States. He’s very focused on the well being of the Diocese," Tatosian said.
"He read and had studied the sociological study in-depth. It was obvious
that he was well informed on it and the comments in the report, he took to
heart. I’m encouraged that this was a good dialogue, a good sharing

Also discussed during the meetings was the upcoming Pontifical Visit. The
Catholicos will visit the Diocese this October, touring to parishes in all
corners of the Diocese to get a first-hand look at the continually evolving
face of the Diocese.

"The Catholicos is looking forward to visiting his flock here in the
Diocese," Archbishop Barsamian said. "The trip will allow him to gain a
better understanding of the people of the Diocese, as well as enable our
parishioners to better they know him."

The group also discussed some of the challenges facing the Armenian Church
and its faithful globally, such as recent troubles in the Republic of
Georgia, and what the diaspora can do to help the Catholicos improve the
situation for the Armenians in the Javakh region of Georgia.

"The people in Javakh are part of historical Armenia and since the collapse
of Soviet Union there has been no effort by the Georgian Republic to help
with the financial situation in Javakh, so many Armenians have immigrated.
Additionally, the Georgian Church is the only one accepted by the
authorities there, which makes it difficult for the Armenian Church to be
accepted as a Church. That is why it is important for the Armenian Church
and Armenians in general to help the spiritual well being of Armenians in
Javakh and to raise their social standing," said Diocesan Vicar and Diocesan
Council member Fr. Haigazoun Najarian. "Etchmiadzin has appointed clergy to
the region. There’s a limit on what Etchmiadzin can do, but it is trying to
help through its clergy to at least attend to the spiritual well being of
the community there."

— 7/18/07

E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable in the News and
Events section of the Eastern Diocese’s website,

PHOTO CAPTION (1): Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern
Diocese, members of the Diocesan Council and the Board of Directors for the
Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), with His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, in the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin during June’s joint tour of the nation.

PHOTO CAPTION (2): Members of the Diocesan Council and FAR Board of
Directors talk with Catholicos Karekin II in Etchmiadzin.

PHOTO CAPTION (3): The Catholicos highlights on-going renovation projects
at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to a delegation of Diocesan Council
and FAR Board members led by the Primate.

PHOTO CAPTION (4): Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern
Diocese, celebrates the badarak in the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin
during June’s joint trip to Armenia by the Diocesan Council and FAR Board of

PHOTO CAPTION (5): Archbishop Barsamian conducts a requiem service at the
tomb of Catholicos Karekin I, of blessed memory, on the eighth anniversary
of his passing.

Karagyozian Lena:
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