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Former Jordanian Information Minister: Iranian Regime Is Supporting


NCR-Iran.org, UK
National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 19 2007

NCRI – Salah al-Kulaab, former Jordanian Information Minister in
an interview with the al- Arabiya TV channel said that the Iranian
regime is engaged in supporting terrorists all over the world. This
regime has nothing to do with Shiism unless it serves its goals and
interests. Alghab added that this regime is ready to play its cards
in all possible directions in order to serve its aspirations for
creating an empire.

Salah al-Kulaab,the former Jordanian Information Minister,July 18,
2007, at an interview with Al-Arabiya TV said:

I have discovered that the Iranian regime has nothing to do with
Shiism unless it serves its goals and interests. This regime is ready
to play its cards in all possible directions in order to serve its
aspirations for creating an empire.

For example, this is a regime that ignored the killings of Hazara
Shiites in Afghanistan by Taliban to maintain necessary alliances.

The Iranian regime was in alliance with Hekmatyar, as it is known
he was one of the Sunni leaders in Afghanistan, and then, more
importantly, if you will recall this regime was allied with the
Armenians fighting against Azerbaijan which was in fact a Shiite

I have said in general that we do not want to deal with this regime.

It is not important for Iran that you are Shiite or Sunni. What is
important is that whether they serve its goals and aspirations in
the region or not.

The decision for the bloody military coup in Gaza was in fact taken
in Tehran and then Khaled Mashaal was either informed or most likely
was ordered to stage it.

What I want to say is that sometimes in political games redlines are
crossed and forbidden are allowed…terrorists have no backing in
this region except from Iran.

The justification for presence of the Quds Force is that their
interests are now best served in confronting the US throughout Iraq
whether it is a Shiite or Sunni region. I’m confident that the Iranian
regime is in contact with Al-Qaeda. They hold bases and camps inside
Iran and their families live in Iran.

Kafian Jirair:
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