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ArmenTel Introduces Billing System


2007-07-20 16:39:00 CJSC

On 18 July CJSC ArmenTel finished introduction of the billing system,
Arminfo was told from the company.

This innovation will first of all reflect subscribers of the
pre-payment system creating for them a wide specter of the mobile
communication capabilities and transferring from one tariff plan to
another one.

As Director General of ArmenTel Oleg Bliznyuk told journalists
earlier, "billing will make possible to calculate money of
subscribers absolutely correctly and to give them new tariff plans
and services". Subscribers will receive all the bills on outcoming
and incoming calls and roaming. Mobile communication subscribers
will get the billing accounts on demand, and the company will post
accounts to the subscribers of the fixed communication.

Madatian Greg:
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