TEHRAN: Armenian PM: Iran Entitled To Peaceful Nuclear Technology


IRNA website, Tehran
20 Jul 07

Yerevan, 20 July: Armenian prime minister Serzh Sargsyan on Friday
[20 July] admitted that access to peaceful nuclear technology as
Iran’s right.

Sargsyan in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki
stressed his country’s support for Iran’s right to acquire nuclear

Armenian prime minister, referring to Iran’s outstanding role in
regional developments, said, "Tehran should have an active role in
regional developments."

He added Armenia attaches importance to promotion of bilateral
relations and believes bilateral economic relations should expand in
pace with the political ones.

Referring to Iran’s ample economic and commercial capacities,
Sargsyan said that there are many capacities that the two sides can
use to raise their mutual commercial transactions, including venture
projects and transportation advantages, particularly those in the
railway transportation sector.

He reminded that conclusion of trade agreements by the two sides
could push up volume of mutual economic and trade transactions.

Mottaki who arrived in Armenian capital, Yerevan, Friday morning,
is due to visit Armenian President Robert Kocharyan later Friday.