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CEC: Bako Sahakyan officially recognized as President of Nagorno Kar

CEC: Bako Sahakyan officially recognized as President of Nagorno Karabakh Republic

21.07.2007 16:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ During its today’s session the CEC of the Nagorno
Karabakh Republic has summed up the final results of the presidential
elections. The CEC members undersigned a decision, according to which
Bako Sahakyan is elected as president with the overwhelming majority
of votes.

The Central Electoral Commission has fixed that the total number of
eligible citizens is 92 128 according to electoral lists. The CEC
has distributed 93 219 bulletins to polling stations. The number of
canceled bulletins is 21 934. The number of registered and received
by voters bulletins is 71 289 according to signatures. And the number
of invalid bulletins is 1 594. The number of votes for each candidate
is the following: Armen Abgaryan -867, Vanya Avanesyan -212, Masis
Mailyan -8 734, Hrant Melkumyan -564 and Bako Sahakyan -59 316. The
number of "for" votes is 69 963, the number of valid bulletins is 69
693. Inaccuracy measure is 15, the NKR CEC Press Office reports.

Tashjian Arbi:
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