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Book "Paruyr Sevak, Purely Soviet Murder" Published


Noyan Tapan
Jul 24, 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 24, NOYAN TAPAN. Though dozens of years have passed
since Paruyr Sevak’s death, many versions continue to be spread up
to present.

With this book I tried to present the real reasons of the poet’s death.

Publicist, prosaist Sergei Galoyan, the author of the book "Paruyr
Sevak, Purely Soviet Murder," said this on July 24, during the
launching of the book.

In his words, the book presents P. Sevak’s biography in a new way. It
contains documents published before and new ones, which present a
clear picture of the hard conditions, in which one of the greatest
Armenian poets of the 20th century lived and created. S. Galoyan
said that when working at the book he has studied dozens of works,
memoirs, has met with the friends and relatives of the poet.

"Many "authors of memoirs and friends" appeared after Sevak’s death,
which caused much confusion. Without taking into account moral
values, people published such materials, which were inadmissible and
discredited the poet," the publicist said.

Touching upon the reasons of poet’s death, S. Galoyan presented
his version.

According to that version, the publication of P. Sevak’s "Let Light
Be" collection set up an alarm not only in Yerevan, but also in
Moscow, and after the book’s prohibition the poet was psychologically
depressed. "P.

Sevak could not drive a car, but on June 17, the poet, being in a grave
pychological condition, drove the car and died in an accident. And
it is wrong to connect his death with this or that person or with
the National Security," S. Galoyan stated.

It was also mentioned that the second volume of the book "Paruyr Sevak,
Purely Soviet Murder" will be published soon.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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