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Democrats Trying To Prevent US Military Operation Against Iran


24.07.2007 15:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A new bill was introduced in the US House of
Representatives, which bans the presidential administration to use
budget means for military actions, including air operations against
Iran without Congress’s approval. The bill titled "Ban on using means
for military operations in Iran" was simultaneously introduced in two
subcommittees -the subcommittee on military issues and the subcommittee
on foreign affairs.

"No means assigned by any law, including a law adopted after passage
of this legislation can be used or spent for military operations or
actions in or above the Iranian territory or in Iranian territorial
waters without a special permission from the Congress," says the bill.

But the document includes a proviso, according to which the ban on
using budget means may be repealed in four cases. "If the USA carries
out military operations for repulsing an attack from Iranian territory;
if military actions are necessary to prevent an unavoidable attack from
Iranian territory; if the military operation requires from American
troops to chase the enemy who goes deep into the Iranian territory as
well as in case of realizing military operations or actions connected
with reconnaissance or actions of reconnaissance character by the US
government," the bill states.

In these four exceptions within 24 hours the US President must
introduce a "Report on incursion, including substantiation" to the
Congress if he makes decision on using budget means.

A similar bill has been also introduced in the Senate.

This is already the fourth effort of Democrats to tie George Bush’s
hands in his policy towards Iran, RIA "Novosti" reports.

Bush has repeatedly underlined that he is in favor of diplomatic
solution to the Iranian nuclear problem, including in the area of the
UN Security Council. At the same time he has always stated that not a
single possible variant, including forceful solution is excluded. The
White House is against such restrictions stating that with its actions
the Congress interferes in President’s authorities as the Supreme
Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. In response opponents of
military solution to the Iranian problem say that according to the
US Constitution only the American Congress has the right to declare
war to a foreign state.

Tashjian Arbi:
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