Kosovo Is Not Going To Declare Independence Unilaterally


24.07.2007 15:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Kosovo is not going to declare independence
unilaterally and will coordinate his actions with the European
Union and USA, Kosovian President Fatmir Sejdiu stated. "It is very
important for us that the process would be coordinated and developed
in close cooperation with the international community, the USA and EU
first of all," Sejdiu said after having met with US State Secretary
Condoleezza Rice.

The Kosovian delegation in Washington also included Speaker of
the parliament Kol Berisha and Prime Minister Agim Ceku. Serbian
Foreign Minister Vuk Eremic is supposed to arrive in US capital on
Wednesday. Earlier representative of the US State Department Sean
McCormack said Rice will urge the Kosovian leader to display patience,
since nobody will benefit from efforts to lock the diplomatic process
that has just began. "We still continue consultations with Europeans
and of course we keep contacts with Russia on this (Kosovo) issue,"
McCormack stated, Lenta.ru reports.

On Friday authors of the new draft resolution on Kosovo decided
not to put the document to the vote in the UN Security Council. They
ordered the Contact Group (representatives from Russia, Germany, Great
Britain, Italy, France and USA) to initiate talks between Prishtina and
Belgrade. The cause for this was Russia’s stance, which threatened to
place a hold during voting in UN SC. According to Russian diplomats,
despite some amendments, actually the resolution grants independence
to Kosovo without taking into account Serbia’s position.