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Kosovo’s Independence May Give Rise To Chain Reaction In Other Count


24.07.2007 17:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Political consequences of Kosovo’s self-declaration
or "automatic" recognition of independence may give rise to a chain
reaction in other countries where exist similar problems, and first
of all in the CIS territory. After all, then desire of Abkhazians,
Ossetians or Transdnestrians to keep to the beaten track by Kosovians
will be quite lawful. Many things will depend on how Russia will
behave himself. I remember in one of his recent meetings with western
political scientists Vladimir Putin clearly stated that if Kosovo
becomes independent, Moscow will radically review his policy on the
post-Soviet territory. Will Moscow have enough courage and political
will to stand for the unrecognized republics? There exist all grounds
to suppose that we will get the answer for this question very soon,"
Director of Russian and CIS Programs of the German Council on Foreign
Politics Alexander Rar stated. He said, the fate of Georgia and
Moldavia is being determined in Kosovo.

The German political scientist underlined that the Ahtisaari Plan on
"automatically" declaring Kosovo’s independence did not pass again
thanks to Russia’s counteraction. But it did not fail at all. "America
clearly supports the Plan and Russia emphatically opposes it. It is
not clear what to do with Serbia, which understandably refuses to
grant independence to his autonomous region. The decision to pass
the issue from the UN Security Council to the Contact Group is a
very important compromise. It is one more effort to use the time
factor. And it works against "hotheads" who are rather enough both
in Prishtina and Washington. Now it is the turn for politicians and
experts to have a say, who will carry out additional examinations
"on the spot". For Moscow this is a very good opportunity to draw off
allegations from West, which affirms that Russians says "no" just
proceeding from their principle to oppose Americans without going
into the root of the problem. Certainly supporters of the Ahtisaari
Plan have not also yielded. They are full of determination to realize
it. It is quite predictable and USA’s behavior. At the end of his
office George Bush extremely needs victory in the Kosovo issue,"
Rar underlined, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" reports

Nahapetian Lilit:
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