Natc’s Tourism Ppv Electronic System To Be Introduced In Autumn In A


Noyan Tapan
Jul 25, 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 25, NOYAN TAPAN. Plan and Play Visit (PPV) electronic
system worked out and projected by the Newagetrust Corporation (NATC)
company will be introduced in autumn in Armenia. As Noyan Tapan
correspondent was informed by Gevorg Poghosian, NATC’s Director,
the PPV’s goal is to involve Armenian tourism market in global
electronic commerce. The system will contain general information
about Armenia, culture, national holidays, national cuisine, sights,
useful references, to name but a few.

In his words, the system will enable tourists to online order tourism
services, goods, to receive confirmation about their presence and
to make payments through electronic payment systems (VISA, MASTER,
E-GOLD, EDram, and others).

PPV will cooperate with tour-operators, those rendering tourism
services, by offering them services of airtickets purchase, medical
insurance, transport, hotel or apartment ordering, delivery of tickets
of cultural events, guide, interpreter, and others.

In G. Poghosian’s words, Armenian tour-operators’ membership in the
system will be free. PPV’s activity will have no impact on the tariffs
of services provided to tourists: the system’s income will be gained
from the interest deducted from the value of these services.

"A mechanism of control for goods and services offered by PPV has
been worked out, according to which all tourism organizations will be
placed in the system, and after using the services of each of them
a tourist will fill in the respective questionnaire," G. Poghosian
said. Those rendering services will gain the respective points on the
basis of consumers’ evaluations, and their rating will be determined
on the basis of it.

The NATC Director also said that payments of more than 70.1bn USD
are made annually online in the U.S. only for goods and services of
tourism sphere.