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The Victory Of Redgep Erdoghan’s Party Was A Real Slap In The Face F


24.07.2007 GMT+04:00

Europe has a very good experience and this is why it constantly
denies Turkey’s integration into EU, realizing what will happen to
the Christian Civilization if Turkey becomes a UN Member.

Erdoghan’s Justice and Development Party sealed a truly shattering
victory at Turkish Parliamentary elections, getting over 47% of
votes. In comparison with unassuming 34% in 2002, this is indeed a
considerable break. The victory of the party not only means reverting
to Islamic values, but to nationalist and patriotic moods.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Prof., Dr., Director of Department of Turkish
Studies at Institute of Oriental Studies Ruben Safrastyan says, "In
its foreign policy Turkey will also strive for integrating into EU,
but diversification in the country’s foreign policy; establishment
of better relationship with Arabic countries, and particularly with
Iran is also anticipated." The memorandum on cooperation in energy
power sphere, signed between Iran and Turkey before the elections
serves as a proof of the above mentioned.

The issue of Turkey’s integration into EU is not removed from the
agenda either. Most likely, Redgep Erdoghan’s secret decree about the
ban on using the word "sozde" ("assumed", "so-called" – in Turkish)
with reference to the Armenian Genocide was dictated exactly by
the above mentioned fact. The news about this "secret" decree was
promulgated on July 19 by the Turkish TB Ulusal Kanal. The Turks
denying the Armenian Genocide were not quite happy about the decree,
and blamed the Prime-Minister for impeding their efforts to prevent
the adoption of Resolution 106 of the Congress about the Armenian
Genocide. The Turkish officials and reporters never refuse to refer
to the Armenian Genocide as "the so-called" or "assumed", casting
doubt on the mess murder of the Armenians organized by the Turkish
government in 1915-1923. According to Erdoghan’s decree, from now on
the Armenian Genocide must be qualified in official documents and
in the society as "events of 1915" or as "the Armenian assertions
regarding the events of 1915".

The Prime-Minister’s Office sent out the above mentioned decree to all
State institutions, including all the Ministries and Governors, Mayors,
Universities, Courts and General Staff. As it is said, Erdoghan has
stated in the decree that he has taken this action on the bases of the
decision reached by the Council of Europe in February 2005. Probably
the matter concerns the recommendation of some Turkish non-governmental
organizations of taking measures "to clear the Turkish textbooks from
xenophobia and ultra-nationalism." This proposal became the result of
the 3-year-research, financed by the European Commission. Ulusal Kanal
notes, that the European Commission turned to Turkey with the request
to refrain from using certain humiliating words and expressions in
its appeal to the Armenians and Greeks in Turkish textbooks, says
the California Courier.

Turkey’s strive to be integrated into EU definitely originates
from pan-Turkism ideology and in distant future may "reanimate"
the Ottoman Empire. As for Europe, it has a very good experience
and this is why it constantly denies Turkey’s integration into EU,
realizing what will happen to the Christian Civilization if Turkey
becomes a UN Member. "Let’s be honest, Turkey is not ready to become
an EU Member, and the EU in its turn is not ready to affiliate Turkey
neither tomorrow, nor after tomorrow," said Jose Manuel Barroso;
President of the European Commission.

Together with this the Swiss Newspaper Tages Anzeiger mentions, that
for the first time over the past half a century the ruling party didn’t
only manage to stay in power, but also improve its results. "Perhaps,
a more important result was the loud slap in the face for Turkish
Generals. Over the past few months rather dark atmosphere hang over
the country, and the army carried the responsibility.

Nalchajian Markos:
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