ACNIS Looks at Aviation Issues

Armenian Center for National and International Studies
75 Yerznkian Street
Yerevan 0033, Armenia
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July 26, 2007

ACNIS Looks at Aviation Issues

Yerevan–The Armenian Center for National and International Studies
(ACNIS) today convened a policy discussion to consider the avenues for
raising the effectiveness of Armenian aviation–one of the country’s
primary means for worldwide communication. The meeting brought
together officials in charge of the national aviation system, leading
analysts, policy specialists, social and political figures, and media

In his opening remarks, ACNIS director of administration Karapet
Kalenchian pointed to the tremendous role which Armenian aviation
played during the years of establishment of the newly independent
Armenia. "Owing to our brave pilots, we were able to overcome the
consequences of the 1989-1994 blockade and win the war imposed upon us
by Azerbaijan," he said. "The blockade, however, is continuing even
now, and therefore air transportation still maintains a strategic
importance for the state, society, and national security of Armenia."

In his address with reference to Armenian aviation, former MP and
economist Professor Tatoul Manasserian focused on the present-day
concerns and challenges of this domain. He underscored the necessity
to give maximum attention to flight security, design an all-inclusive
development plan anchored in proper legislation and accurate
assessment of economic efficiency, and to train new aviation experts
who meet modern demands. "The lack of concern, state care and
oversight, the existing cartels, and the current mode of
operation–which causes a decline in manpower and aviation
specialists–are breaking the backbone of this extremely important
branch and putting an end to its positive economic effects,"
Manasserian noted.

The policy roundtable concluded with an exchange of views and policy
recommendations among former head Shahen Petrosian of the General
Civil Aviation Administration; MP and secretary of Heritage Party’s
parliamentary group Stepan Safarian; Edward Antinian, deputy chairman
of the Liberal Progressive Party; Tatevik Bezhanian of the Miapet Avia
Company; Yerevan State University lecturer Sasun Saribekian; Heritage
board member Gevorg Kalenchian; and several others.

Roundtable participants also stressed the need to reexamine this
matter thoroughly and even to include it in the parliamentary agenda.
In their shared view, "considering the urgency of this question and
specifically the role and strategic import of aviation in
consolidating Armenia’s economic potential and defense capability, it
must be the utmost duty of relevant authorities to resolve the
existing problems without delay."

Founded in 1994 by Armenia’s first Minister of Foreign Affairs Raffi
K. Hovannisian and supported by a global network of contributors,
ACNIS serves as a link between innovative scholarship and the public
policy challenges facing Armenia and the Armenian people in the
post-Soviet world. It also aspires to be a catalyst for creative,
strategic thinking and a wider understanding of the new global
environment. In 2007, the Center focuses primarily on civic education,
democratic development, conflict resolution, and applied research on
critical domestic and foreign policy issues for the state and the

For further information on the Center call (37410) 52-87-80 or
27-48-18; fax (37410) 52-48-46; email [email protected] or [email protected];
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